Climb to the Clouds


The Northernah'
im working thursday but will be there friday for sure! I work 4.2 miles from the Auto road so ill be around



New member
Keep an eye out for my boys.
They are going up on Sunday to spectate. They will be in my 06 impreza. OMG 3 teenagers at The climb to clouds with no adult supervision.
What the hell

are me and Michelle thinking.



I'm not ReZPunk
I think Rob and I may make it up, after I swore I wasnt going.. gonna cheer on our Rally guys!


Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
after race day run #1, LDR is 2nd in AWD rally class, woo hoo!

Higgins beat Travis Pastrana's unofficial record, he was 47 sec faster than anybody else, double woo hoo!


Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
Final run up teh mouintain just competed. LDR improve 13 secs over 1st run up 7.6 mile course, still 2nd in AWD Rally class. ~2 sec/mile fastAr?? Yoww-Zaaah!!

David Higgins stomped on Pastrana, lowered record from 6:20 to 6:11, another 1 sec/mile faster. Mind boggling...musta been One F-n Wild Ride, indeed.



New member
and he did it with no codriver...

rumor was he was playing the pace notes from travis' run on his ipod during the practice runs. also reported he was out running the notes about 3/4 the way up.

he actually BEAT the record on Run #1...and improved it on run two.

there was a car that set the speed record also...hit the speed trap at 114mph.



Higgins was crushing the hill he entered and left my corner sideways. I might o had the second beat seat on the hill today!



N/A All The Way!!
Being there for the three days as a volunteer was great. Friday was wet, but the other two days were pretty dry. I was located at section 13, 10 and at 3 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday respectively. 3 was the best because I wasn't pitched on a steep bank! Had a great time!
