Headlight Help- '06 Impreza


New member
As you guys know by now, I'm clueless. I have been having issues with my headlights since the day I bought it, its always seemed to have a "Lazy eye". I have legitimately Zero visibility now (well maybe 25 Yards). My high beams are the brightness that I think my low beams should be and my low beams barely seem different than my daytime running lights. It sucks, if there is a deer or moose in the road there is no way I would have time to swerve/stop by the time I saw it. I'm gonna replace my bulbs first and see what that does and then I will probably end up needing help figuring this all out. 



New member
They might need a good buffing. If the plastic lenses look at all foggy or scratched it will cut down on your light output drastically. A kit to buff them is less than twenty bucks at Walmart and you just need an electric drill to do it with.

Also check the adjustment. Maybe they are pointed too far down.



New member
They might need a good buffing. If the plastic lenses look at all foggy or scratched it will cut down on your light output drastically. A kit to buff them is less than twenty bucks at Walmart and you just need an electric drill to do it with.

Also check the adjustment. Maybe they are pointed too far down.
I have had them buffed twice. they are are crystal clear!



New member
Then it is down to either being adjusted too low or like you have said the bulbs could be going bad. There is also the possibility that the wiring is toast but that is harder to check for. The plastic connector on the back of the bulb isn't all melted like this is it? 



make sure they're installed properly.  ones that are rotated so the tab/flange is not properly seated will do exactly as you describe.



New member
they are seated properly, Drivers side connector is slightly melted, but not too bad. New bulbs increased the amount of light slightly, but not too dramatically. Divers side light looks "blury" rather than being "sharp" on the road



DRiVe SiDeWayZ
If the connector is melted it should be replaced with a higher amperage rating plug. Something caused it to draw more current or it shorted



New member
Yeah once they are melted at all there is something up. Mine was working fine but then I'd hit a bump and the loose wire would loose contact and I'm guessing every time it reconnected it was arcing and melting more. It ended up cooking right through the metal connector after awhile.



New member
Is the bad connector on the drivers side?

Edit: just reread your other post where you said it was. If its a bad or loose connection inside the melted connector than yes it can cause it to be partially powered.

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