Looking for Gravel Tires


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Pascifist Patriot
Is it that hard to find a retailer that can either order or ship some? Or is the price that drives people to purchase used?

Ive always been curious, just not quite curious enough to google


Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
gravel tires typically cost $175-$250 each, and are not rated for street use. they are marked "for competition use only" so it's had for a normal civilian to buy and use them.

man problem with gravel tires is that as full-on race tires, the tread compound has a very narrow temperature range. try to use knobby gravels in weather below freezing, and they literally slide around like hockey pucks because the rubber freezes solid, and in fact can crack tread blocks off and come totally apart under such use.

these tires are super heavy duty to resist whacking rocks at 85 mph without puncturing. on a BFGoodrich gravel tire size 196/65-15 or 205/70-15, the bead area may be more than a full inch thick. they are really really hard to mount or dismount, and rally teams getting tires changed out in local shops have broken many tire machines.



Get a used set. PM Rezpunk on here.

They are not worth buying new unless you are running stage events. I will be selling cooked casts offs after I start doing more events.



New member
My used pile is now on lock down, as I will be using a majority of these for my own first couple of rallies. Sorry...

Contact Justin Carven at GreaseCar motorsports, he is a local D-Mack rally tire dealer, 14"s were $175 I think he quoted me.

Thanks for the responses.   Not to happy about the whole broken tire machine thing. As i was planing on mounting these myself on my nice new machine.  I'll keep looking and i'll keep Justin in mind case i come up empty handed in my search.  Can Justin get tires in a normal time frame or are we talking about ordering weeks in advance?  As for used vs new. It's a money thing.  For the use i will get I would prefer to find something used. I was hoping for 15" to go on the alloys but if they are that much of a pain to mount i may go for 14's as my steelies need new rubber anyway.  



New member
There are tricks that tire shops don't know about mounting gravel tires. But alas their "insurance" doesn't allow people skilled in mounting these tires in their shops...

Mounting on a hot day...good! If the bead won't sit, fill it with 100 pounds of air and let it bake in the sun

Bead helper work well, but yeah you run the risk of breaking the helpers because they are often plastic. The roller type work MUCH better.

Like with anything tight...Lube! Lube! Lube!

Also a ratchet strap around the tread is a trick some have used.



New member
I went to several shops before I could find one that could do it. The guys at Townfair tire in Topsham took it as a challenge and ended up mounting them for free. I think they enjoyed doing something different.

Chet didn't I haul you and Gabe like 30 miles on a dirt drive?  You need a car (a non-german one) as well as gravel tires:)
yes that was me, and i've solved that second problem too all though I remember it differently. I thought we got that call to save that stranded tow truck and we decided to car ski there just for fun.  All kidding aside that was very cool of you.  Pity i didn't just unplug the oxygen sensor cause that was what turned out to be the issue.  

As for my new ride I've taken a little wagon that got dropped in my lap and added a few touches to create my own little battle wagon.  It's pretty set for winter but its a shame to let her sit all summer so gravel tires its going to get.  

audi pushing a tow truck.jpg

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