Open source tuning


New member
Looking to get something for a tune in my 2010 LGT, just curious if anyone here is familiar with it and could help me out, I'll buy the gear needed to do it just need someone to give me some guidance



New member
You want to tune it yourself?  - Read up on Romraider, and nasioc and various other tuning guides.  It's very in depth. Non turbo isn't so bad though.

You want to pay for a tune? - There are options for e-tunes where you basically deal with a tuner over email.  Can also road tune in person, or dyno aka "pro tune" which is best.  Prices range from 150 to 500 for a pro tune.

You will need a Tactrix 2.0 which goes for about 180 new and 120-150 used.  But for a pro or road tune you probably won't need one yourself.  And a laptop. 

I've tuned my n.a car myself, which I found to very difficult, confusing etc.  But I think with more experience it would become a lot easier.  I wouldn't tune a turbo car myself yet.  If you had someone to actually show you this stuff in person it would help 1000%.  Reading about it and trying to do it yourself, first time with 0 experience is daunting.  But I have a project car just for messing around with. 
