seeking permission


New member
to tell that bitch from Somerset Subaru exactly whaty I think of her and her over-stated and of line opinions.....

she was quite the bitch to me and my wife on more than one occasion over the rally and really not that nice to the people I saw her interact with unless she already knew them...We watched it occur jkust to make sure it want us...really amazing the damage she will do with her attitude....

HAHAHA... U almost lost a co-driver at Fish Pond after her comnment to my woman... My wife just about knocked her and then her skinny lil hubby on thier asses.

Afterwards on the VIP bus we had the honor of lerning some great dirt about her and how she became involved with rallying.... amazing what some people know..

this will happen one of two ways... U will allow me to take it up with her here or I take it to her sponsor to deal with.... U tell me... here or there? I would prefer it here soooo everyone can get a heads up to what a ** the gal really is...



New member

You had a great spot in Mexico to take pictues, it's too bad they gave everyone the impression of a parade lap & then real lap to follow. I even waved to you when you went down Concord Pond Rd



well, as much as we all like a good argument on here. . ..

i gotta suggest that if you have such a big problem with this person/persons, that you take it up with them personally, and in as professional a manner as possible. lets keep the forum out of it if you can.




New member
well, as much as we all like a good argument on here. . ..i gotta suggest that if you have such a big problem with this person/persons, that you take it up with them personally, and in as professional a manner as possible. lets keep the forum out of it if you can.

Yes sir... I can respect your wishes and leave it out of here. Although ringside at a good old fashion " I'm gonna make UR life suckathon" can B a good time.

Yeah I really did have a big problem as she pretty much in one fluid act of being an ass almost wrecked my afternoon and got her nose broken by my woman....<---just come over and listen to the smack of her foot against the heavy bag in the garage someday...

She is really not one who should B representing the people in the sport, she is certainly not a good example and would probably be better off returning to her day job as the lunch lady.



if she is such a bad representitive, then perhaps this is a matter best taken up with her sponsors? just go about it in a level headed manner.

on a side note, i'm beginning to be a big fan of you wife.



New member
That is Y I married the gal.....

I hate to admit it but I am going talk to a couple people at Somerset Subaru. I hated the time I spent working for Sewbie but still know some valuable folk within the structure...including being a better guitarist than ernie boch jr & he knows it...
