the whites of WV.. DeFranco movie review


<1.8 liter
I wanted to post this here, maine forum. nsfw.

I randomly watch defranco since his beginning, it was nearly all our you tube beginnings...

hardly ever liking his scramble for you tube money, I can tell he is getting older, stabs at subjects get a good point once and awhile. if you are into media (I am), interesting person to subscribe to. newb to host of a show.

I liked what he had to say about this movie.

I moved to maine in 1987..I don't want to say much. Step up to the wrong culture with anything backwards at all... you could meet the whites too. Seems funny to say, maybe trigger some weird response. That is what I got out of that culture... all the while they are a defense for an entire location, and do not even really know it.
