a good read & some good advice.


<1.8 liter
Yeap good info in this thread.
As chat rooms scroll away, so do forums. Some info is always good. Repeated or not.

The welding stuff, it really is fun. It adds power, even changes gear ratios, just tacking the body. there is an incredible importance however that needs a brain that follows initial welds. keep an eye out for it. It can be a make or break, life or death, the result of unibodies is never one weld, it is a precise math, accounting for resonance, power ranges, comforts, electrical grounds and mystery invisibles never in a manual. Welding changes all of it. be careful. In fact, this not mentioned makes me doubt the writer of these helpful tips. Suspension and aftermarket declarations of sport or race or luxury also hardly can be a ppllied to what you have done welding. My personal go at it is the weight rating oem, then seek design...you may even be better of with stiff from another vehicle. This is also a precise subject, suspension is ok trial end error, but the welding, keep a big nerdy picure, else a barbaric ending.

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The Eco Man
That was cool and relavent Phil, so how I missed it when it 1st was posted.


Mighty Subie

New member
Nailman... who do yo think you are? Nick? talk about bumping old threads. Nick bumped two that had me scratching my head until I noticed the YEARs on them! HAHA
