A Shout out to EG Subaru


I know they are not technically a vendor, but........................

So.... I call EG at 7:50 am. I get to Adam's voice mail. Explain my situation. At like 7:55 he calls me back.

Me; "I messed up one of the rocker cover gaskets I got from you last Thu. Do you have another?"

Adam; "I will have one at 11:30 on the UPS truck."

Me; "well I'm trying to get this done ASAP, so I'm going to call Charlies to see if they have one."

Adam; "I can check their stock to see if they do. Yes, they show one in stock."

Me; "I'm going to call to confirm. I can get to Augusta and back and be working on this car by the time UPS arrives in Auburn. That puts me a little ahead in case something goes wrong, what with the earlier darkness."

Adam; "do you have their phone number? it is ........."

How many people will give out their competitors phone numbers? Or check inventory? Adam knew that by doing that, he was helping his customer (me) get what was needed. That is true customer service!!!!!1

THANK YOU ADAM! Feel free to print this and show to Joel, and any other co-workers and management.

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