Alura's 1992 SVX


New member
About a month ago, I snagged myself a pearl white 1992 subaru svx, in the picture below it's the car in front. And last week, Mike drove out to Newport, Vermont ( which is more or less in Canada) to get my parts car for me, which is a clone to my car right down to the year it was made and all the equipment. And today, I decided it was time to start my project. Especially considering looking at it in the driveway only cuts it for so long..


SO, this morning I ventured out to move the car from its spot out back, to out front by the shop. (with mikes help of course, considering it has no motor or trans) And started by cleaning out the lovely collection of car parts that were stuffed inside.




The Person who sold us the car had already started ripping apart the interior, so most of the dash has already been torn out. 




After pulling all the parts out of the car, I realized that my backseat wasn't in the best of shape, and was looking pretty mad. So I proceeded to ripping out that mangled mess as well, and grabbed the one out of my parts car.



(very unhappy backseat)



This leather dye is pretty cracked on this seat, but re-dying the leather will be a much easier project then fixing the other backseat. 

After dealing with my new found problem that was my backseat, I moved on to pulling out the rest of the interior, so that I could rip the disgusting carpet out and clean it.



^^ It looks and smells like someone vomited all through the car and just never bothered to clean it. Absolutely disgusting, I even wore my lovely medical gloves for this task


And it's out!

So it was on to scrubbing and pressure washing the carpet...


Looks fifty times better then it did before. (mike you look dashing in this picture by the way, apparently this was his version of "If you're going to be in the picture then you need to smile")

Next was the trunk. The one that was on the car had no wing, and although that looked clean and all, I just wasn't feeling it without the wing. besides the wing add 10hp right? no?? well i tried


I forgot to snap a picture of the winged trunk, it'll have to wait until friday. Unfortunately I have to do this thing called work for the next two days, awful I know..



Next we ripped the doors off and swapped them with the ones on the parts car.


You know your doors are obnoxiously heavy when it takes two people and a jack to hold them up while you're bolting them on...


Hood off the parts car was next, the one that came on my car was aftermarket, had no subaru badge, and had enough dents and scratches in it that she looked like a hot mess. 


This is what the parts car looks like after day one of pillaging, poor thing...

We also had to replace my antenna today by making one good antenna out of both antennas. More work will be done on friday, and all the progress over the entire build will be posted here. 

So stay tuned!!

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My car use to smell like puke and beer because of the previous owner. Also found a family of dead rats in my heater core. Talk about stanky.

Love the car btw, I actually didn't even know this existed till I saw one a few months ago in Portland. Cute little things. I texted my dad and told him I wanted one.



This is going to be an interesting transformation. Keep us posted!

Why don't you take the rest of the week off and finish it for WBM, pull some all nighters?



New member
very cool, can't wait to see this one "finished".. we all know they're never really finished



New member
because I have a job lol I think my boss and the hospital would be mad if I took the rest of the week off lol I can't wait until it's done. I just wanna dive it already!



New member
if someone hadn't put her on maternity leave, maybe
I'd rather work anyways. I need money lol



New member


Mike changed the bumper, and the fender today while I was working. He also polished and bolted in all the lights, lined up the front end, and made a custom air intake out of the stock silencer piping. 



I'm a hack
the 18x10 grids belong to my buddy cory, i was using them to see how wide of a wheel you can put on a svx, and the 10's work but i think 9's would fit a little better. for now it will be on a set of black 17x8 05 sti bbs wheels.



I'm a hack
probably do a set of the miro's i have on the lexus, cheaper then grids and look better i think



New member
Got most of the interior cleaned and in yesterday!



Nice clean carpet!


Cluster in.



Most of the wood grain is in, Radio even has a nifty little cover that hides it


Suede under the steering wheel, the guy that took the dash apart broke the clips for thsi piece, so I'm trying to come up with a way to get it to stay in place. Unfortunately it will probably take some drilling and screws in inconspicuous places... 


Seats are clean and back in


Center console, taken out of the parts car.


More of the wood grain in place


And the glove box is in, this will also need to be messed with a little. Doesn't quite line up right, and it kills me that it isn't perfect.

I also got some nice wheels for the car today, 18x8 +30 MB Weapons. They're currently bronze, going to put them on and see how they look and decide weather I will plastidip them or not. Pictures to follow, hopefully tomorrow!



New member
your shifter says manual.. but it's an automatic.. i think it's a sign that it needs to become a manual

and congrats on becoming a subaru owner!
