August 18th Brunswick Meet!

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Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
Five Guys
170 Bath Rd.
Brunswick, ME
Thursday August 18th, 2016
Arrive at 6:30pm, go in at 7pm
Come on out for some burgers and fries! We can eat inside or out, as long as the weather is good! Hope to see everyone there!



Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
Big thank you to everyone that came out to our meet! Really awesome to meet a bunch of new people, and see new faces at every meet. And good to see people I don't get to see often as well! Definitely some nice rides that came out tonight! We have a great group for sure, and it makes it worth the time that goes into planning, and setting up these meets, when everyone comes out! I look forward to the next meet and hope to see everyone then! If anyone got any pics, please post them!

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