Autism awareness month


Well-known member
The month of April is autism awareness month. I will be selling puzzle piece decals in an effort to support the cause or a donation can be made. All money received will be donated to autism speaks. I should have these decals in my hands hopefully in a week or so. This cause is near and dear to my heart, before I became a full time mechanic I was a Dsp for adults with autism and mental retardation and now I have a good friend who's brother has autism. Do what you can to support the cause.



Well-known member
Decals are being cut as I type this out and I'll have them on hand tonight. I dropped 100 bucks of my own cash to make this happens. I'll have 5 different color choices. Red / white / blue / lime green / orange. If you'd like to support the cause please make your 5 dollar donation to [email protected] and specify what color you'd like. Also regular donations are also greatly appreciated.

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Well-known member
Here we go guys and girls. 50 decals cut by rave x. They're ready to go and looking for a window to be on. 5 bucks and it all goes to autism awareness. Help the cause


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Well-known member
Today was a great day. 170 bucks sold today alone. Looks like I'll need to cut more soon. Thanks bill!
