Ball Bearing?


New member
Hey Guys,

I have a 2004 TS Wagon with a loud repetitive thud coming from the driver rear tire. Anyone in the Southern Maine region have a press or the know-how on putting a new bearing in?  The sound makes me wary of driving anywhere. Thanks!




Active member
It's time consuming. I did one last year. Pain in the rear. If you do it there are a couple bolts and what not you'll want to buy new.



New member
I just did three on my Forester. Real pain. Make sure you locate a new lateral link bolt and bushings prior to starting if you do it yourself. Both my rear bolts came out in pieces with a torch, they stick..



Active member
I just did three on my Forester. Real pain. Make sure you locate a new lateral link bolt and bushings prior to starting if you do it yourself. Both my rear bolts came out in pieces with a torch, they stick..
That's the one I couldn't think of! I'll be doing the second rear bearing soon and will for sure be getting these. I seriously lucked out last time.
