CMC 2011 Catch All Discussion


Wasn't able to make it. Backlogged on so much other stuff. I managed to make some time this afternoon so I'll be taking a trip down to take some pictures.

I'm also renaming this thread.

Made it out with my 2010 MX-5. Mike is going to roll my fenders soon, but had to roll stock rubber today. Still, my times were decent. It was a beautiful day for an AX. Nice fast course too.



Went yesterday. Had fun talking to people. Made sister take pictures.

Full album here:



Oh yeah there were some subarus there too I guess.

Evil as Pie's whip.








Didn't forget about you Joe




Active member
Sometimes I think that photographers forget that the people and what they are doing can be more interesting than the action on course.

Exhibit A

Dan and Enrique.png

But that might just be because I know that this is probably a pic of Dan and Enrique talking strategy while sitting in the EVO waiting for the carts to get finished.

I can't back that up with pics of my own. One of these days when I am not driving in the event, I'll put my money where my mouth is.

Either way, nice pics and thanks......even though your sis didn't get any of my car.....

Here's a ride in Lance's #89 STI.

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New member
We ( my sons and friends)had a great time in a Subaru also. Thanks SLV09FXT for the great pictures of Tyler in the Impreza. He was happy to have run in the 45.5 second range.




[The reason my sister doesn't take pictures of people is because she doesn't want to have to put up with people throwing tantrums about "whaa you took a picture of me without my consent." Yes pictures of people may add more of a "human aspect" to the sport, but the liability and drama isn't worth it to her, so she goes out and shoots cars. She knows I don't care so yeah there's a pic of me in there. 

God damn it Dan, I meant to reply and I edited

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New member
Thanks Dan. Tyler finished 5th out of 11 in class. Not bad for a 17 year old kid with only one other Auto X (last June at the Mall) in a Forester).





New member
Thanks Dan. Tyler finished 5th out of 11 in class. Not bad for a 17 year old kid with only one other Auto X (last June at the Mall) in a Forester).
He's a ringer...I know the truth, he told me about the rally school.

Nice pics Dan, and yeah that is me in the 2011 WRB with gold wheels



Active member
The reason my sister doesn't take pictures of people is because she doesn't want to have to put up with people throwing tantrums about "whaa you took a picture of me without my consent." Yes pictures of people may add more of a "human aspect" to the sport, but the liability and drama isn't worth it to her, so she goes out and shoots cars. She knows I don't care so yeah there's a pic of me in there.

Cameras cost money, it costs gas money to get out there, standing around taking pictures is time that could be spent other things, pulling pictures off memory cards, editing them, uploading them, all of it is time that could be spent doing other things. Things that could be actually appreciated.

I've seen my sisters pictures and Jeff's pictures used on websites and facebook with out so much as a thank you or a credit....

I appreciate Jeff taking the time to get out there and shoot events, next time you see him out there, walk over, introduce yourself, and thank his ass. Much better use of everyone's time then ball busting the photography choices of people volunteering for you.

Dan, I am sorry that you took my post the way you did, I have a history of coming off badly in text form. Nothing I said was ment to be directed at anyone or said with anything but a smile as a joke.

As far as picture of people, I am neither a photographer or a lawyer so I have no ideas about the laws and liabilties of taking pictures. The only things I know(think) are:

A)Paparazzi take pictures of people all the time without their consent and if there were any laws capable of stopping them, the celebs would have used them.

B)Taking a picture of someone in their car and taking a picture of someone standing by their car doesn't seem like a whole big deference to me. If someone has a problem with one and not the other there is something wrong with them.

SO...I would never have even though about any liability issues. If they exist, I would like to know about them. I have never asked if I could record someone else's run when I am riding with them. I have not had anyone be anything but appreciative to see one or two videos where they would normally not have any at all.

But Dan is right that you can't thank people enough when they go out of their way to provide you with something like they do. I use one of Jeff's picture as my avitar. And if I haven't said it anywhere else, and even if I have...

Thanks for all the great pictures you take almost every event!

The comment about no people in picture was really just something that I have been thinking about for a little while. Jeff got a good shot of my car at the last event that had one of the track workers in it as well.


That kind of shot really adds depth and meaning to something that would otherwise be just a car ?parked? next to some cones. SO how cool would it be to have other pictures of drivers talking strategy next to their cars, or a driver, like a fighter pilot, driving the course in his head while he is staging.

I hope that conveys a though in my head better than the last post.



Active member
He's a ringer...I know the truth, he told me about the rally school.

Nice pics Dan, and yeah that is me in the 2011 WRB with gold wheels
I went to the winter rally school that day. It was fun to watch the younger kids absorb the stuff they were teaching like a sponge.



New member
My sons really love how everyone let them ride along. Tyler will be bragging heavily in his automotive vocational class today about all the GREAT cars they rode in and Tyler racing. He even wanted to take in the Impreza to class to do the oil change. I'm one proud dad and thanks to everyones for the nice words. He even got a job at the local alignment shop after school. (I'm done bragging now)

Nice pics Dan, and yeah that is me in the 2011 WRB with gold wheels
That new wide body is pure car sexy with the gold wheels.

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New member
Made it out with my 2010 MX-5. Mike is going to roll my fenders soon, but had to roll stock rubber today. Still, my times were decent. It was a beautiful day for an AX. Nice fast course too.
I didn't realize you were on here. We worked the afternoon cone station together.



New member
Anyone planning to head to the June 12th Maine Mall event? I sold my fast subaru, but I think I'll be there with my S2000, or 04WRX wagon!



New member
Ditto on that, I'm always happy to give ride alongs... A little ballast in the car never hurts
