Don't talk to the Cops


<1.8 liter
A bad cop episode really can happen. stay cool. One badass sube may look like your good one.

I got nearly attacked living in the hicks of maine... about 20 years ago. The town was focused on via a criminal (I was just a kid, no clue)

Even the memories of the focus on my life are startling... 20+ years later.

No apologies.

Never give them a hard time (I never have).



New member
good commen sense info...I dont know how many times ive seen/heard of people giving up thier rights , basicly agreeing to an illegal search and seizure in both car and home situation's.


Mighty Subie

New member
good commen sense info...I dont know how many times ive seen/heard of people giving up thier rights , basicly agreeing to an illegal search and seizure in both car and home situation's.
if they agree to it, then there is nothing illegal about it. buttt a seizure can come because of granting them permission to search. Any car or house with drugs in it can be seized and either auctioned or used by the department too. just a little bit of random info there. it's a federal law.



If someones a criminal, don't hang around them. If their character is in question, stay clear. If your stopped by the Police, be respectful, cooperative and know your rights. To much disrespect out there!
