Easier said than done. A rally movie


New member
Just wanted to make a thread on here to let everyone know that Matt Johnston a rally photographer is making a full film to explain what rally is and why we love it. He just released the trailer and it looks amazing. Thought i should share with you all.



Active member
Chris Duplessis! 


HR radness

His royal radness
How will it be released?  Who will play Brighton?  Certainly not Jeremy Renner:)

Brighton would eat Renner as a snack



Rally Fluffer
How will it be released? Who will play Brighton? Certainly not Jeremy Renner:)

Brighton would eat Renner as a snack
Ha. I have my copy coming as a interwebz download on 10/2. But you can buy a DVD too. Or if you go to Grand Rapids you can view it in the theater for the grand release party! 9/28
