Had some fun this Weekend


New member
I figure that posting in here is probably somewhat safe from the prying eyes anyone that I wouldn't want to see this post. Yesterday I went shooting at CVOA in Carrabasset Valley for a few hours with my buddy George (big subi fan, but not a member), Dan (RangeleyRallyDG on this site), Rich (PapaGak, Dan's Dad) and a few other guys putting rounds through a Kimber .45, Glock 9, .38 Revolver, AR-15, M-4 and skeet shooting with 12 gauge. Anyway when we were done we weren't quite ready to head home yet, it was about 2:30, so we packed up the guns and headed up to the Kibby Mtn. Wind Farm. I got George to ride with which was unusual because I usually ride with him as we slowly beat his 2002 OBS to death. Dan followed in his blue 08 WRX. We spent about an hour blasting up and down the turbine access and maintenance roads. These are some of the best maintained dirt roads in the state, as far as I have seen. So far, I have not heard of anyone getting in trouble for driving on them, but since I do work up there, I figure the VIP section was a good place to tell this tale. We had a blast, and aside from stopping for a piss, I don't think we dropped below 50mph, but we were definately going faster most of the ride. I got some good angle on some of the turns but I think I still lack the confidence Dan has to put his car sideways. I could see him livin it up in my rear view mirror, lol. All in all it was a heluva good day, and if anyone spots me in the next few days, expect to see my black WRX looking a light shade of brown from the middle of the windows down!

Oh, BTW, I would prefer we don't talk about driving on Kibby roads in the open forum, I don't want the wrong people to be able to see it and close the roads.



New member
Thought this was going to be about boobs

But I guess that's cool too, coming on the memorial drive?

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BOOBS or I post this in the general forum

I kid, I kid. Sounds like you had fun.

Kidding aside... You should come on the dirt drive!!



On the topic of boobs. I wonder if we could get a woman to help us re-create that topless drifting video Jason posted a few weeks back...



New member
I want come on the Memorial drive but Dan and George both chickened out on me. I don't think I will be able to make, I really don't feel comfortable bringing a car that is only 1 1/2 years old down some old logging roads that I have never driven. I know Dan would do it to his car, but he can't make it and George's 2002 OBS would be perfect for the dirt drive since his interior is totalled (hes a painter/outdoors person/dog owner). The exterior of his car isn't much better but it would be great for this drive, I just can't seem to convince him that its worth the time it takes to drive there. Too bad, hes a madman in the Rangeley sandpits.



I bet you can go-drive with somebody. I wouldn't drive a new car either!! I'm driving a 22 year old car...



New member
I have an older car too, but somehow, I don't see a 97 Grand Am with a suspension drop making through this drive, lol.



hahaha..... That would be epic in the wrong sort of epic way. Well, unless you like being upside down in a ditch



I could ask my GF, but I KNOW I'd get "the look". Guys, you know exactly what I'm talking about... Every woman has one.

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New member
I figure that posting in here is probably somewhat safe from the prying eyes anyone that I wouldn't want to see this post. Yesterday I went shooting at CVOA in Carrabasset Valley for a few hours with my buddy George (big subi fan, but not a member), Dan (RangeleyRallyDG on this site), Rich (PapaGak, Dan's Dad) and a few other guys putting rounds through a Kimber .45, Glock 9, .38 Revolver, AR-15, M-4 and skeet shooting with 12 gauge. Anyway when we were done we weren't quite ready to head home yet, it was about 2:30, so we packed up the guns and headed up to the Kibby Mtn. Wind Farm. I got George to ride with which was unusual because I usually ride with him as we slowly beat his 2002 OBS to death. Dan followed in his blue 08 WRX. We spent about an hour blasting up and down the turbine access and maintenance roads. These are some of the best maintained dirt roads in the state, as far as I have seen. So far, I have not heard of anyone getting in trouble for driving on them, but since I do work up there, I figure the VIP section was a good place to tell this tale. We had a blast, and aside from stopping for a piss, I don't think we dropped below 50mph, but we were definately going faster most of the ride. I got some good angle on some of the turns but I think I still lack the confidence Dan has to put his car sideways. I could see him livin it up in my rear view mirror, lol. All in all it was a heluva good day, and if anyone spots me in the next few days, expect to see my black WRX looking a light shade of brown from the middle of the windows down!

Oh, BTW, I would prefer we don't talk about driving on Kibby roads in the open forum, I don't want the wrong people to be able to see it and close the roads.

Be careful it does get patrolled but not always in marked cruisers, or even cruisers for that matter.



New member
Be careful it does get patrolled but not always in marked cruisers, or even cruisers for that matter.
Thanks for the heads up, I have heard this before. I only saw 2 vehicles out there durring the hour or so we were there. They looked like hunters vehicles, seen as though one was covered in hunting equipment and had a whip antenna, and the other was so rusted out I was surprised it could pass state inspection. We did see two sheriffs deputies at pines market, they were talking about something and we were behaving anyway. I am didn't want to run in to an unmarked vehicle or a border patrol vehicle, both of which I have seen out there before. But I figured that of all the days, the end of hunting season on a sunday at sunset was probably the time we had the least chance of running in to anyone including Trans-Canada, Three Phase or Reed & Reed employees. They also have 24 hour surveylance up there, but I wasn't too worried about that since its there to prevent vandalism by "Earth First" and "Friends of the Western Maine Mountains" as well as the random yahoo running off with a trailor load of Cianbro's or anyone elses equipment. Also if you can read my license plate, as dirty as my car was, you deserve a metal! Ha ha ha. It wouldn't be fun if there wasn't some small element of risk, even through I never want to meet that risk. You face the same threat from border patrol on any northern dirt road in Stratton or Rangeley, which is why I do risky things like this SOOOO rarely. I have also seen state police and sheriffs on dirt roads in the middle of no where, so far out I wondered how they got a cruiser in there. Also if you drive on other, less maintained roads, you increase risk vehicle damage as well.



New member
Ahh, it was the first, and perhaps last time doing that anyway. But it just had to happen once, could not let a good road like that go to waste. Besides, I stayed on the roads I have driven before and know, I stayed off the new ridge as I have not been up there and have heard it is slippery and dangerous with some drop offs over road fill a few hundred feet high.



New member
I want come on the Memorial drive but Dan and George both chickened out on me. I don't think I will be able to make, I really don't feel comfortable bringing a car that is only 1 1/2 years old down some old logging roads that I have never driven. I know Dan would do it to his car, but he can't make it and George's 2002 OBS would be perfect for the dirt drive since his interior is totalled (hes a painter/outdoors person/dog owner). The exterior of his car isn't much better but it would be great for this drive, I just can't seem to convince him that its worth the time it takes to drive there. Too bad, hes a madman in the Rangeley sandpits.
chickened out my DONKEY^

i just dont want to drive all the way up to bangor to drive more. if it was closer hell yea i woud go!


Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
i just dont want to drive all the way up to bangor to drive more. if it was closer hell yea i woud go!
well, the sport of rally involves driving...LOTs of it. rangely to bangor and then all over eastern ME is a trip to the grocery store compared to a real rally weekend

typical rally itinerary: hauling the race car 14 hours to northern Quebec on Wednesday, 10 hours & 500 km of recce Thursday, another 300 km of flat out rally on Friday, another 300 km flat out Saturday, then hauling 14 hrs home Sunday.
