Lightened Crank Pulleys


New member
I've been scoping out the lightenbed Perrin Pulleys. I'm 99% ready to order one but...

I know the whole "1 lbs of rotational weight is equal to 4 lbs etc..." but is it worth the $100?

Would I notice anything on the ole butt dyno?

Also how much of a pain in the ass is it to install?



New member
i think it is more about quicker revs not as much hp gain.....

sorta light with a flywheel. if you go lighter and under driven even more so but be careful it might not put out enought juice for lights AND stereo....

that just my .02$ from what i have heard...

but i might get a lightened pully Not underdriven soon.



New member
$100 for a crank pulley? MIGHT make a diff, minor improvement at best.

that's 3/4 of the $ you'd need for a Team O Winter school day. WOULD make a diff, with major improvement possile




New member
I put a Cobb lightened pulley on my Forester yesterday. The install was a PITA cuz I had to take out the rad fans, coolant overflow bottle and disconnect the top radiator hose (to get the fans out). Not much room to work on a Forester. Took about 45 min with bullshitting time included too.

Was it worth it?

Quicker revs, seems like it has a little more nutz when driving. I'd say that the Forester is now up to 167.5 HP from teh stock 165.



New member
There's a Perrin pulley on ebay right now... I think it has about an hour left and it's at $71.

But the shipping is $12... F that.



you will notice faster revs with a lightweight pulley . They are 4 pounds lighter which equals shaving 100 pounds off from your car . IF you were to add a lightened flywheel to the mix then you would probably notice a lot of stalling at redlights and stop signs . I recomend oneor the other . We can get you any parts you need at great prices . Give me a shout at the shop !

