May 3, 4 autox in Westbrook


New member
Just tossing this out here.  I know there are a couple around here that autox.  I am going to make one day for sure.  Gonna try to make both.  Hope to see some people out there.  If you see a STi with red flaps, swing over and say Hi.  Its gonna be my second autox ever and first in the STi.  Gonna be awful but awfully fun.

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New member
Hmmm I might try and do this for once.
You should. especially if you havnt before.  Im really wanting to push the limits of the car and find out what that limit is where it goes assbackwards on me.  End of May theres a Bigger one at The Brunswick Naval base.  I guess they set up a track right on the runway.  I heard its pretty big (get up around 60-70mph) but not big enough where you are just reacting to cones.  Can actually remember the turns.  that's why I really want to hit this one so I can warm up a bit before BNAS.



Active member
The BNAS event is not on the actual runway.   It is still a functioning airport and the FAA might have something to say about that.   We use a section of the apron (airplane parking) that is not currently being used, it's basically the largest open space that any club here in NE gets to use.

Because it is a larger space, the average speed is higher, though the top speed that cars are "supposed" to reach is still the same as when we are on a smaller lot, and the number of inputs per second is still about the same.   Smaller lots have lower average speed but the driver is still moving the wheel, getting on the brake or gas at the same fast pace.   BNAS is awesome but smaller lots are really where you learn to maximise the little details which make a good driver a winning one.   So don't turn your nose up at the Jetport lot or Bill Dodge.



New member
I'll be there on Sunday as a spectator - can't really race the RS since it's supposed to last me for 4+ more years....
