Official Spring Group Drive May 26th,2013


New member

Hahaha nice



New member
I might come. Its my one year wedding anniversary so if I do come I probably won't go for the full ride. I'd love to at least be there at the start to see everyone's sweet rides though!



Well-known member
This is coming right up. Looks like the weather might be a little crappy so make sure your wiper blades are good and maybe throw a coat of rain x on.

Looks to be a group coming from south of Portland meeting me and whomever at the mall for 7-715. Are we still meeting a group off of 295 and group driving up to Waterville?



Well-known member
So I just checked the weather. 60% chance of rain all day..... Is this something we want to reschedule for a sunnier day?



New member
I took the day off from work and will have a hard time to get another day off for the drive if its rescheduled 



Well-known member
I don't know.... Current estimation is 70% chance of rain all through Waterville into Rangely with roughly a 1/4 inch of total rain fall.

To me that means lack of visibility, inability to drive a little harder through the twists. Lunch will be confined to your car. I understand people took time off from work but we can't control the weather. I'm leaning towards rescheduling.



I will have to say im out because of rain, driving to work is annoying enough so dont know if I could do 6 hours of it



Well-known member
Lets consider this postponed due to the impending down pour and overall lack of fun driving in the rain. I'm more concerned with everyone's safety and well being. If its going to rain like it claims to it'll just be no fun for anyone. I apologize if you took the day off, hopefully you'll be able to join us later in the year, WBM is coming up so that'll be a fun drive, maybe we can make this a summer drive instead. Hopefully you understand
