WRC finally posting good videos

Yeah but this guy has no clue where he going hes just listening to his co-driver.

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@ flat4 -- no he hasn't. =;^P
Thank god someone gets my lame jokes

I don't get it.

Also thanks a lot, that's 30 minutes less time I have to do work 
Common claim I've heard from rednecks who think they can drive faster on dirt then professional rally car drivers. Like I said, it was a lame joke.

Yeah but this guy has no clue where he going hes just listening to his co-driver.
onboard commentary sounds disjointed, but codriver is calling notes at least one full turn ahead of what they can see out the windshield, sometimes 2 or even 3 turns ahead. that's the only way driver has time to process what's coming up at those speeds. on many of those blind crests, if they're not turning well before they actually get to the turn, they're going straight off.

Sollberg/mills Rally Finland.  Best in-car ever
It's actually from a record run on famous stage called Ouninpohja (pronounced Ovan-POY-uh) at Rally Finland 2004. Mikko Hirvonen finally broke record again this year, ~6 secs quicker in his Citroen C3, a much more highly developed and several generation newer WRC car.

Solberg/Mills in their blue Subarus offered up some of the best rally footage ever.

Fivehalflongtightensintosixrightoverbigjump100...threerightopensintofiveleftminusovercrestslippy60...fiveleftplusdoubletightensintofourminusthenopenoverlongcrest150... on and on like this for like 14 minutes flat out. Amazing, truly amazing.

Back when I codrove for Loeb in Citroen Saxo kit car in 1999 French Junior National Rally Series, I thoght he sucked, too. "this guy has no future as a pro rally driver."

So WTF do I know?
