Pizza Hut
65 Western Ave.
Augusta, ME
Monday, September 7th, 2015
6:30pm, go in around 7pm
Pizza Hut is offering Mainely members a buffet style meet. There will be ample parking, a private seating area, cold beverages in a timely manner, and an attentive wait staff to help us feel comfortable.
We will be getting 15 pizzas, for a total of $105. Break it down, the more members/ friends that attend, the less your bill will be at the end of the night!
There are 2 different brands of beer, and 4 different tastes, but keep in mind we are there for the meet.
If you do not have access to the Mainely Subarus Facebook Group, and wish to RSVP, please do so, so that I may get a general headcount. So far our response has been very positive!
We would love to see everyone there, like the good ol' days. Veteran members, sophomore members, new members and potential new members. Anyone, and everyone is welcome!
Let's build that camaraderie that we once had!
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