Autocross 2007 Discussion


the car is black. I swear
from the NER stand point, I have not attended an autocross. no explanation for now. but Jeremy has been at the rallycrosses as he indicated. the rallycrosses are handled by a different set of folks and we are very laid back, well except maybe the registration nazi (no comments from the peanut gallery, Redline and Ralli that means you). CMC needs to be open to new ideas tho. we have made lots of changes at the rx's just in the couple of years I have been running and all for the good. but communication is key among the course workers.

I do have to ask how the runs are set up. I arrived around 1ish and at that point I spoke to a couple of folks who had yet to take a run all day. That's a lot of hurry up and wait.




The runs are setup so everyone with an ODD number runs in one run group, and the EVENS run in the other run group. The problem with this is the course variable might change due to weather, causing an unfair advantage for the run group that runs during the better of the two conditions.



New member
Ah! CMC politics. ;D

I used to do a lot of auto-x. These days it takes them way too long to get going in the AM. Too many entrants for the organizers to handle. An entirely different kind of people go to auto-x these days. Its the entrants that bring the vibe down, not the head honchos. If those key bummer people would bring their humbleness in check CMC auto-xs would be happy-go-lucky like it used to be.

Dan and Chris are organizers, not leaders or baby sitters. They just keep doing their thing in hopes people can continue to run their rigs once a month. They shouldn't have to be baby sitters, but that's the way its turning out. I'd hate to have their jobs these days, but 5 years ago I would have jumped at the chance.



New member
But you can count on me getting out there at some point. And I will bring my good attitude, my POS car, my willingness to work, and my humbleness knowing there is always someone faster out there...usually, not always. >



from the NER stand point, I have not attended an autocross. no explanation for now. but Jeremy has been at the rallycrosses as he indicated. the rallycrosses are handled by a different set of folks and we are very laid back, well except maybe the registration nazi (no comments from the peanut gallery, Redline and Ralli that means you). CMC needs to be open to new ideas tho. we have made lots of changes at the rx's just in the couple of years I have been running and all for the good. but communication is key among the course workers.

I do have to ask how the runs are set up. I arrived around 1ish and at that point I spoke to a couple of folks who had yet to take a run all day. That's a lot of hurry up and wait.

There are areas that can be approved upon most definitely. as I am sure you guys know, weather slows things down. I think for the first event of the year, 110ish cars and 5 runs is pretty damn good. Especially for a cold and rainy event. When we had the downpour it held things up for a few min. there are some holdups on some of the cone knock overs because the markings aren't easily seen.

when the entry papers get soggy they stick, and sometimes cause a holdup in the timing tent (me).

But again 110ish, cars 5 runs, wet, cold and 2 days



New member

1. We had a good chat about this, I totally agree. But, after discussion with a few other officers, due to safety one kart should be on course at a time. In future events, the "kart dance" will be more organized by drivers.

2. 2a. Yes, Absolutely, on sunday we fixed that issue.

2b. I disagree, I believe less radio traffic is best. So 2a is important.

3. You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink. I gave simple, clear instructions at the drivers meeting, I cannot control if people do not pay attention and listen. Our new radio's did not arrive in time so we had to use old donkey radios from circa the 1990's to get the job done.

4. No, that's the way the cookie crumbles. And since your talking about "apples to apples" and comparing CMC auto-x to NER rally-x. How is it fair for all competitors in Rally-X that the layout ruts up/mud holes/course relocations etc???

5. See other replies to post already.

We had 196 entrants for the weekends event. Our largest 2 day total, EVER. Comparing NER Rally-X events with 35 entrants is "bad joo-joo" and as far as NER goes, Im with Ralli. The Rally-X side is great. The Auto-X side is more abraisive. But, in regards to the NER Auto-X side, I can imagine it would be VERY STRESSFUL chairing an event with 150-250 entrants per day. I found myself getting punchy at times during the weekend with people's actions. I had to step back and remember what CMC is all about. And as you can see so far, there are SToM/CMC members that want the club to be warm and fuzzy, not double 00 grit sandpaper.

So, to suffice, glad to have you help on Saturday, it was much appreciated. And, respond to your email and make me moar numbarsez >

John Miller

Safety Chair

07 Storyland Weekend Chair.

And as a closing NER Auto-Xesk note. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D




New member
Given the large and somewhat awkward size of the course, the lack of the radios, the # of people and the first event of the year, I think everything went as smooth as it could have. The weather, well you can never control that. And the course design was outstanding IMO



New member
i had a blast this weekend. the only thing that would have been nice in my small and unremarkable opinion. is that when working, novices (like myself) should ,if possible, be paired with someone more experienced. my first time i was given a radio and i did the best i could calling cones and such, then the damn thing died which made it even harder. second day i stood with someone who had being doing it for a while. and i learned a lot more about the track, driving techniques, how to call cones and off courses and when to red flag someone and so forth. granted with the number of entrys over the weekend i think that they really did an amazing job. 5 runs, with only minor problems, is something to be proud of. i can't wait till the next one



Guest that when working, novices (like myself) should ,if possible, be paired with someone more experienced. my first time i was given a radio and i did the best i could calling cones and such, then the damn thing died which made it even harder. second day i stood with someone who had being doing it for a while. and i learned a lot more about the track, driving techniques, how to call cones and off courses and when to red flag someone and so forth.
I think this is key. Again, I'm not downing CMC. IT'S A GREAT CLUB! I am merely pointing out a few things from MY perspective so we can discuss.

5 runs each day, or 5 runs over 2 days?
5 runs on each day. Total of 10 runs on 2 days. On a "entry value per run" basis, you can't beat it with a stick!



We will most likely be getting more runs in the events later in the year. Nicer weather brings more runs.



New member
We will most likely be getting more runs in the events later in the year. Nicer weather brings more runs.
Generally less people too. 100 person events seem to be more regular now...70-80 is really the sweet spot.



Damn those jackasses piss me off sometimes.

Protesting Mrs. Pedro's runs all weekend because of a rule that is not in print anywhere other than a Drivers Meeting Speech Guideline document.

F-ing Bull Duckey if you ask me.

Word of warning to you all, don't be a douche!




the car is black. I swear
Damn those jackasses piss me off sometimes.

Protesting Mrs. Pedro's runs all weekend because of a rule that is not in print anywhere other than a Drivers Meeting Speech Guideline document.

F-ing Bull Duckey if you ask me.

Word of warning to you all, don't be a douche!

protested runs?! you and she ran the same car, right? so why were her runs protested and not yours?



Hey Pedro... I don't think they were protesting the runs... I think they were just pointing out a vague "rule" that they "may" enforce at some point. I wouldn't take it so personally. It could have been anyones passenger/car.
