iPhone Jailbreak


Ok I am leaving for Asia and I want to run a Tmobile SIM in the Iphone

what the hell do I have to do to make this happen??




New member
EDIT: I can do it for you, or I can walk you through it. You are going to need QuickPwn, the rom of your correct version and then YellowSn0w(The app that unlocks it once it is jailbroken for different carriers.) Let me know.

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does it matter if it is a 3G iphone?

and will GPS work with the Tmobile SIM?



Active member
yes quickpwn works for 3g, talk to nate, i believe he's done 3g's before. 2g's are way easier though




this also opens me up for more apps correct? the stuff apple doesn't approve I assume as well.



Active member
yeah, most aren't really worth it from what i can tell. couple free games that would probably cost a few bucks.



New member
You can do a 3G in like 15min. GPS will work as long as u get a gps activated 3G plan with tmobile. PM me and I can email you links to the software and bootloaders you need.

The apps you can get through Cydia are cool but as mark said unless you are a programmer you can get most of them through the app store. If you have any interest in programming c/obj. C apps then there are compilers and such available that you can't get through apple. Also if you jailbreak you can change what you phone looks like with themes.

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You can do a 3G in like 15min. GPS will work as long as u get a gps activated 3G plan with tmobile. PM me and I can email you links to the software and bootloaders you need.
The apps you can get through Cydia are cool but as mark said unless you are a programmer you can get most of them through the app store. If you have any interest in programming c/obj. C apps then there are compilers and such available that you can't get through apple. Also if you jailbreak you can change what you phone looks like with themes.
so the GPS has to be activated through Tmobile? I thought the 3G had it in the phone.

I am not phone stuff savy (as you can probaly tell)

I am going to try and get a hold of Dan (lives down the street. I know he is jailbroken I am sure I can get him to do mine too.



you need the gps plan thru tmobes activated i believe
there has to be a way to make it work with a jailbroken unlocked iPhone.

oh well we will see.

otherwise I will have a really expensive Touch for two weeks.



New member
IIRC, the GPS in therory could work without a dataplan, the catch is that you need that plan to handle google maps. On a car gps the maps are saved in the unit whereas in the iphone the maps are loaded dynamically and the GPS works slightly different. Thus you need to have a GPS activated plan, or a very creative hacker. Who knows, there might be a Cydia app available that takes care of this.



Baxley’s Speed Shop
We just did mine and there is a lot of cool stuff you can do. Like so far 123spoof is my favorite. You can call anyone from your phone but you can choose whatever phone number you want to appear. So for instance I called a friend from another friends number and messed with him. If they have the number in there contacts it comes up with the persons name.



We just did mine and there is a lot of cool stuff you can do. Like so far 123spoof is my favorite. You can call anyone from your phone but you can choose whatever phone number you want to appear. So for instance I called a friend from another friends number and messed with him. If they have the number in there contacts it comes up with the persons name.

I will hit you up when I get back.

for this trip it will be an expensive Touch.
