Looking for driving school/instructor/classes.


New member
I'm on the ever lasting quest to increase my knowledge and right about now I think that since I've replaced most of my hobbies with my car, I should focus on learning how to drive more. I'm looking for aggressive driving/defensive driving lessons that aren't insanely expensive and I get to use my car in. I know there are a few in NH at NHS, anyone know of anyone/anything here in Maine? I'm looking for everything from shifting techniques, defensive driving, all the way to loss of car control in the event it happens. Let me know!

Nigel would know. Team O'neil is a fun one, I did their winter course this year, and will def do some rally stuff in the future... when I can afford it.

Other than joining rallyX, autoX events, I am unware of actual classes that won't cost u a bit of dough...

You missed the fun Team O'Neil winter driving course that JoJo took this year. Good thing about these is that you get to use your own car. Poofy snowbanks limit (but don't totally eliminate) danger of damaging your own ride.

Now that it's spring, all the courses are based on gravel and you drive one of the school's rally prepped Ford Fiestas. You will learn about understeer and oversteer, and how to turn the car with the brakes instead of the steering wheel.  There;s some work on pendulum turns and trail-braking as well. The excellent accident-avoidance excercise builds on the stuff you learned earlier in the course and can really help save yer bacon out in the real world of technically clueless/inattentive drivers.

Then you get to ride along on hot laps around some of the school's pucker-fest real rally roads, where there are trees, deep ditches, rocks boulders and such to keep you paying attention.

Link to 1-day Fiesta Rally Experience classes: http://www.teamoneil.com/rally-schools/1-day-fiesta-rally-experience

Most of the stuff you learn in the Fiestas will cross over to your Subaru. The course fee covers damage to the school cars; given the lack of poofy snowbanks it's good to use the school cars and not endanger your daily driver. Feel free to message me for more background on this stuff. Been teaching at Team O'Neil on and off for more than 10 years now.

Autocross is the cheapest way to get seat time.   The Cumberland Motor Club (http://www.cumberlandmotorclub.com/cmc/) here in Maine and the Sports Car Club of New Hampshire (http://www.sccnh.org/) are the closest.   The BMW club, Porche club, SCCA and others all have events down in Devens Mass. but that's a but further and the event cost is higher.

First CMC event is going to be a two day event at the Bill Dodge lot in Westbrook May 3&4.   Come on out and take a ride (my passenger seat is always open) or come to race.

Autocross is the cheapest way to get seat time.   The Cumberland Motor Club (http://www.cumberlandmotorclub.com/cmc/) here in Maine and the Sports Car Club of New Hampshire (http://www.sccnh.org/) are the closest.   The BMW club, Porche club, SCCA and others all have events down in Devens Mass. but that's a but further and the event cost is higher.

First CMC event is going to be a two day event at the Bill Dodge lot in Westbrook May 3&4.   Come on out and take a ride (my passenger seat is always open) or come to race.
My father in law is part of PCA and told me about a class day in July that's only 75$ but I'll be damned if I can find any info on it. Depending on time I'd love to come down on May 4th!

I like the idea of team oniel, I just can't spend that much money when the car still needs so much. Hell, I'll hire one of you guys if you think you're capable of teaching me something.
