MS July 2010 Meet

Me and Dad are in. Is my small shirt going to be there?

I think I can come... prob +1 and a big sexy

I will bring my camera equip and tripod. So if people want some pictures I will post them up after on here and my facebook.

PS: I will be bringing E. Benson decals with me.
And hopefully Carter chimes in at some point. He has all the decals and shirts from the last meet. (I usually have them)

PS#2: I will have a few knobs there if anyone wants one. Come find me.
Please bring me a smooth knob.

oh and ryan, it's me +2 not 3 just so your number is more accurate. Thanks bud, and I'll see ya'll wednesday

anyone from the portland area want to meet and drive up together?
I am leaving from Cumberland we could meet at the Yarmouth rest area... I think Big Sexy is going with me.

*local meetup radar alert*

Damn, now I want to come, just 'cause I'll have some people to drive up with... If only I liked the food

No, you don't

I guess I'll have to get my light bar painted and back on the car (been trying to sand rust off of it). It just got out of the oven (had to dry the water off before painting later this afternoon
