Post what you're drinking


Test driving the Sangrita recipe I just got out w/ some Hornitos. (i work night shift, i'm allowed to drink this early.)

ethiopian, medium roast this am... just cracked a Magic Hat #9... can't go wrong! I'm NOT an IPA guy AT ALL, but #9 is awesome... except it's not really sunny out! :/

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Finished my ehtiopian this am... Think i may try some Fair trade Peruvian or Columbian beans for next week's Joe...

JLW7123 - Had meself a 12 pack of Corona light (for some reason I don't dig the standard corona as much as the light version for some reason) with lime all last week... thought it would make the sun stay... didn't


Had some Hawaiian kona coffee with breakfast and having some Gatorade tropical cooler. Ya I bought the corona and was pretending it was warmout and not snowing.

Finished my ehtiopian this am... Think i may try some Fair trade Peruvian or Columbian beans for next week's Joe...

JLW7123 - Had meself a 12 pack of Corona light (for some reason I don't dig the standard corona as much as the light version for some reason) with lime all last week... thought it would make the sun stay... didn't


Have you tried landshark before.
VT beer called The Shed. unfiltered brown with a kick! quite to my liking!

Just finished that 6pack this week and out of koffee!! time to hit the stores to find some good med roasts and another brew for the weekend/week...

Sent from my tf201
