
New member
This long spell of rain is really starting to dampen my mood and cut into my cash flow:mad:.Its going to be a long season for those of us who make our liveing off the land, if it dont dry up soon...I do lite landscapeing,high end gardening[for rich people] raise and train german shepherds and run a mini farm,all of which are much more fun to do when the sun is shineing..if the weather patterns dont change soon im going be forced back into my shop and do carpentry stuff...To all who make a liveing off the land ...Good Luck...Wzrd



I can't believe the LOVING rain.

Work sucks in the rain, and the GF and I are trying to find a day we both have off so we can go out sailing, or biking or something.... but it has been raining pretty much every LOVING day for the past month.



New member
I can't believe the LOVING rain.Work sucks in the rain, and the GF and I are trying to find a day we both have off so we can go out sailing, or biking or something.... but it has been raining pretty much every LOVING day for the past month.
I used to Love sailing.Mostly i stayed on sebago lake running sunfish/sailfish but was brought up with an 17 ft? o-day day sailer.I did take my red cross sailing cert out of cenerboard yahatt club in casco bay.14 ft sailfish,i got caught in chains/irons? [ no wind] and started to get sucked out to the big ocean with the tide,freaked me out at 14 years old...now im to f'ed up to be able to pull a line.Theres still no better rush then sailing.


I lived on a boat for about 12 years, so I don't have any fear of the water. Right now I put around in my laser. A fun little boat.

Kind of like a sunfish on steroids.



New member
I remember sailing lasers when I was younger...they are a blast...

yeah the rain is bitter...I feel bad for anyone who makes a living having to B outdoors..it is so wet I cant really even take the ATV out...



New member
I lived on a boat for about 12 years, so I don't have any fear of the water. Right now I put around in my laser. A fun little boat.Kind of like a sunfish on steroids.
Sounds fun:) ... Ive heard of a lightning,but not a laser:confused: sunfish on steroids sounds like like my subaru
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The Eco Man
This long spell of rain is really starting to dampen my mood and cut into my cash flow:mad:.Its going to be a long season for those of us who make our liveing off the land, if it dont dry up soon...I do lite landscapeing,high end gardening[for rich people] raise and train german shepherds and run a mini farm,all of which are much more fun to do when the sun is shineing..if the weather patterns dont change soon im going be forced back into my shop and do carpentry stuff...To all who make a liveing off the land ...Good Luck...Wzrd
Well Paul if it keeps up raining you`ll be able to take up sailing in your back yard
BTW did you see the pic I sent the other day, the sun ,when its out, does miracles



New member
Well Paul if it keeps up raining you`ll be able to take up sailing in your back yard
BTW did you see the pic I sent the other day, the sun ,when its out, does miracles
So you liked the flowers you got from my honey:).Yeah rob,if the lake would rise a few more feet id be liveing big.
moveing up a class[from a back lot to lake front ] because of global warming:lol: