September Meet - Discussion Thread

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Hey all,

I know a lot of people have asked for the opportunity to discuss the location of our meets. September will be that month. Our Southern Meets have grown to just ridiculous proportions, and as always, I want this one to beat the head count of the last. This is the first time we've given all of you a share in the decision making process so if this isn't the most popular meet EVER, then something went wrong. (Meaning I can blame you).

So, if you wish to throw your idea into the ring here's what I need

1) Restaurant Name

2) Location

3) Parking Rating (1-5)

4) Space Rating (1-5)

5) Food Rating (1-5)

6) Price (1-5)

7) Description why you think MS will love this location and want to revisit in the future, both personally and with the club.

Remember: We need to fit not only 35+ Cars, preferably together, but also 50+ people. A separate room or section is a plus. Also please keep price in mind, we can't eliminate people because we've priced them out of the meet. Bonus points for good beer list.

Here's your chance MS, make it count!

Suggestions so far:

1) Ri-Ra's

2) Ricetta's Falmouth

3) Gritty's Freeport

Bumping this up, you gotta be kidding me. . .everytime we have a meet you guys say that we should of gone here or gone there and nothing so far?!?!?!? Hm, september looks boring right now.


Y don't U break tradition and have a weekend meet somewhere different than the usual haunts. For instance, close to me is Screw Auger falls a beautifull area in a state park with decent parking, "facilities", open area to do whatever and state provided BBQ's (charcoal) that U can use to prepare UR own food. I have even seen people wheel in thier own gas grills and have quite the elaborate feasts going on complete with volleyball nets.

There are lots of places all over this state that could host MS. I mention Screw Auger Falls as is one of the few places I know so far in the state.

Y don't U break tradition and have a weekend meet somewhere different than the usual haunts. For instance, close to me is Screw Auger falls a beautifull area in a state park with decent parking, "facilities", open area to do whatever and state provided BBQ's (charcoal) that U can use to prepare UR own food. I have even seen people wheel in thier own gas grills and have quite the elaborate feasts going on complete with volleyball nets.

There are lots of places all over this state that could host MS. I mention Screw Auger Falls as is one of the few places I know so far in the state.

... at that point lets just all go to Canada, we would be close enough :-P

i'd prefer an indoor venue. we don't want weather to be an issue, and last time we cooked nate got carpal tunnel from flipping so many burgers.

as for weekends, i dunno. we've always done weekday nights. weekends we'll keep reserved for special events, like when we had the 1 year

how about a night at MIK? we could probably get a good rate with the amount of people we have, plus then we could have bragging rights

i'd prefer an indoor venue. we don't want weather to be an issue, and last time we cooked nate got carpal tunnel from flipping so many burgers.
ya but they were good burgers

and i was wondering if we were ever going to have another group drive or are those a thing of the past

we're trying to figure out a good way to do a group drive. we can't do a 35 car train, so we're thinking first X number of people to sign up are in, and we have a few of those

how about a night at MIK? we could probably get a good rate with the amount of people we have, plus then we could have bragging rights
they'd have to shut down the whole place for us. could they house 55-60 people? what would the rates be? could we work food somehow into it? MIK day sounds like a special event, one that I'd like to visit, i'm just not sure it's perfectly suited for a regular monthly meet. perhaps this would be a weekend meet that so many are craving

i'd prefer an indoor venue. we don't want weather to be an issue, and last time we cooked nate got carpal tunnel from flipping so many burgers.
as for weekends, i dunno. we've always done weekday nights. weekends we'll keep reserved for special events, like when we had the 1 year
roger dat....

although keeping Nate bz so we can drive his car....

we're trying to figure out a good way to do a group drive. we can't do a 35 car train, so we're thinking first X number of people to sign up are in, and we have a few of those
I claims spot #1
The 2 rides I went on got my old juices flowing again

the best times i ever had with my car club in south carolina were group rides in the mountains and then stopping off at a state park or soemthing like that to have a cook out set up some volley ball sor other activities and chill for the afternoon. yes the weather could be an issues but lets save the indoor meets for the winter time when we cant be outside enjoying the weather. whats the sense in having car guys meet if we dont actually do any driving? we had set up multiple 100+ car drives that went down just fine. you set the guys who wanna go balls out in the front and the guys that want a relaxing drive or dont have turbo's ( sorry dan and garret
) i find a huge flaw with a restaruant venue. the same thing will happen like it did at the seadogs game. peopel wont get a chance to mingle. i only really got to meet and talk to the people sitting right by me same will happen at a restaraunt. with an outdoor even like group ride followed by cook out its more of a party atmosphere were people can hang out meet everyone and only have to pay for gas and a few burgers

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So, if you wish to throw your idea into the ring here's what I need

1) Restaurant Name

2) Location

3) Parking Rating (1-5)

4) Space Rating (1-5)

5) Food Rating (1-5)

6) Price (1-5)

7) Description why you think MS will love this location and want to revisit in the future, both personally and with the club.
1) RiRa's Irish Pub

2) Portland, ME

3) 4 (only taking one off because it's a garage) but that's a good thing...tons of parking.

4) 5 the have a special events room upstairs

5) 3.5 Food is always pretty darn good. Nothing hugely special but good.

6) 1 being mcdonalds and 5 being hugo's i'd say this is like a 2 maybe a 3 depending on what you get.

7) Rira's is fun, professional, and has a nice drinking friendly atmosphere.

MIK would work with the group to provide accommodation for the event, i know that CMC has had a few days there with the member. Give Rick a call and see what you can work out. I know that we got a pretty good deal last time we ran with them. They also have a snack bar that servers beer after you have run your races

1) RiRa's Irish Pub2) Portland, ME

3) 4 (only taking one off because it's a garage) but that's a good thing...tons of parking.

4) 5 the have a special events room upstairs

5) 3.5 Food is always pretty darn good. Nothing hugely special but good.

6) 1 being mcdonalds and 5 being hugo's i'd say this is like a 2 maybe a 3 depending on what you get.

7) Rira's is fun, professional, and has a nice drinking friendly atmosphere.
Last time we went there, the garage was full ... that was a *****.

I know this is the wrong thread but +1 for MIK and +1 for Group Drives

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