serious jet fly by


New member
Anyone else a Utewb slave like myself?

Because I groove on fps games of destruction involving planes and such... I can not resist seeign things like this...



real. famous. would love to go there somewhere. i think its either on grand cayman, or aruba, or one of them. regardless, bring your earplugs.

edit, its st martin



one of the most famous ever. empty plane fwiw, and the pilot got fired for this.

there is no video of the event, however, someone had a camera running.



New member
right but it is still funny...

I remember reading the guy recovered from the plane hit... just knocked out and a concussion, really not that bad considering what he just got freight trained by..... Think he will B like Travis and try it until he gets it right no matter what the cost?



Active member
the first plane in that first video reminds me of the misdirection the blue angels pull in their routine. all 5 fly out of sight, 4 come back through in a diamond and do a normal pass, then as they're at the end of the runway (and everyone is looking to the right), the fifth goes tooling by about 50ft off the ground with full afterburners on. loud as hell. after the first year seeing it i made sure to keep tabe on where they all were the second year ;-)

needless to say i was the only one looking left when the time came.



real pic, no photo tricks. interesting read.'s-I-fly-past-US-Navy-F18-streaks-past-apartment-block.html?ITO=1490




<1.8 liter
the small planes interest me the most. The jets are governments way of saying no militia is just going to stand up and overthrow it. the real discipline is much much older, slower and stronger. personal.

The short takeoffs of the piper looking planes with squishy tread is a favorite.

I was a crew chief in the military, serviced many many planes, too many to stay enthused about afterburners and how fast things can go.

My likes stopped with f-15 and f-18 is a winner too. The a-10..almost a champ.

There is sharp edges and buttheads with too much confidence at the helms of engineering today..I am only 36 to say this.

before my very fast unannounced disabling events, becoming a pilot was hardly a dream.

I may try for light plane yet, my bad leg is holding up my body a bit better. Those plane vids. they get me talking.


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