Upstate NewYork rallyX

Ty Ty

New member
Anyone here running that on the 23rd?

I think Rallyguy has convinced me to drive down and spank some New Yorkers with the ol' RallyJeep. Hehehe O0



the car is black. I swear
Ty just check with them to make sure your jeep is something they will let run. I'm not sure if they are more or less strict about that than we are! Have fun if you go!!!!


Ty Ty

New member
Weee. Leaving as soon as Rallyguy gets here. I'll let you guys know how good those New Yorkers are. ;D



late to the thread, but that's PSG (Project Solo Gear) that's putting that on. Private lot, so it should be pretty inexpensive. Last year was literally a wash out, though.

Hope ya had fun!


Ty Ty

New member
The PSG guys were nice, and seemed on the ball, but I can't say I am truely impressed with how the event went. Perhaps I am just spoiled after working with such an awesome and well organized group in NER.

The event was somewhat disorganized, timing was absolutely terrible, and I wasn't very impressed with Ivan Orisek either. The course also got very very unsafe towards the end of the day.

But oh well, it was mostly fun...but I won't do it again. The course just bothers me too much, and Ivan would probably find another thing that is functioning perfectly normal to fail my tech inspection on.

It was also the first time I've done this since I started rallycrossing...




Little bit dusty, eh?

Rolled a bead.... NICE!

I'm glad the PSG guys were professional about everything, at least. Matt Gleinz and Gus Forgethislastname are great guys, IMO.

Who's Ivan SomethingOrOther?


Ty Ty

New member
Little bit dusty, eh?

Rolled a bead.... NICE!

I'm glad the PSG guys were professional about everything, at least. Matt Gleinz and Gus Forgethislastname are great guys, IMO.

Who's Ivan SomethingOrOther?
Yea, I rolled the bead on the last corner going into the finish.



well at least it was a bit more organized than the actual RNY earlier this year. :

Ivan is a bitch. He plays favorites and he must use metric time, cause time cards apparently don't work anymore.



New member
Ivan tries hard and is VERY into rallying, but his management style is often criticized. He also seems to have a habit of not changing rallycross courses as they deteriorate. You also have to keep in mind that Gus & crew only put one event a year on - although Ivan does put on 4 or 5 a year in Monticello, NY.

I though about coming out to that one (even had the Arrow on the trailer), but I just couldn't bring myself to do the 3.5 hour tow each way. Have to save up for a HANS before January. :

So Ty, what was it that you felt wasn't safe (morbid curiosity and want to learn any lessons that might come from it)? From the few pictures that I've seen, that off camber fast downhill sweeper looked a little hairy!



Ty Ty

New member
Exactly...there were quite a few off camber turns, some of them you could take flat out if you had the nads to do so. There was one turn down into a valley and hard right going down the hill. Warren said that he was even worried about rolling on that corner. For my last 3 runs, it was so chewed up that I didn't even take the turn...I just ran up the hill on the other side and then turned.

The top of the hill towards the end of the day got rather sketchy as well. Warren warned me about it, so I took it easier on runs 4 and 5, and it seemed alright, so on run 6 I went flat out again and at the peak of the hill I lost contact with the ground and found myself sliding sideways down a rather steep offcamber hill...sketchy course layout.

Who knows if scoring was right or not. I stood next to the 3 people trying to run the timing computer the first heat...they had no idea what they were doing...they has to keep asking Gus who had what times. At one point I heard "just write down all three times and we'll figure it out later."

*shrug* Like I said, NER has spoiled me.



I was more refering to RNY this spring. Ivan has a bit of a math problem. Gave our teams 1st place trophy to his friend and refused to even look at our time card. dismissed the protests without reading them.

took about a month to sort that out.



New member
I would like it if the NER encouraged the use of Nads from time to time. Not at the sake of Safety..but there can be safe situations where use of nads would be appropriate.
