vip treatment at the ms bbq b-day extravaganza


New member
Question? will there be any VIP treatment for US who ARE VIP's ?Good parking spot maybe?? Now i know this is a family affair and im a happly married man so im not talking private room with exotic dances going on [phil}

BUT MAYBE next year: VIP's could[for a EXTRA fee] takes turns driving the latest STI. or have access to a meet and greet with past/future wrc or auto cross drivers on tour.
might be a way for you guys to generate more money for the club and help a good cause at the same time...positive karma alround.




N/A All The Way!!
Although a lap dance would be cool...and the 18th is my birthday...I like the idea of test driving a new STi!!!



No way in hell evergreen should let me test drive a new STi, I'm not even sure they should let me look at one or stand within fifteen feet of one....



New member
:sigh: fine. nate and i will be distributing private dances to wzrd, and Ms Ferrari.
NO,Not exactly what i was thinking of,not that theres anything wrong with that...More along the line of the club sceene,While the masses are stuck waiting in line, us VIP's go to the front of the pack then ushered into a "comfortable"seating area,professionally servered by some of the ladies on the nws pix's of course...I'd pay a couple bucks extra for that show...



New member
Hey Paul are things that boring up in the sticks
Is my cabin fever
showing that much rob?..Actualy the season started early for us this year and we will be working on the second sowing of seeds this weekend,but ill find time to escape early sunday and come visit for a couple hours or until i turn into a pumkin,which ever comes first..........My initial comment was designed to inspire future fund raising idea's for mainely subaru,evergreen subaru and all the other vendors that participate...can you imagine if we all threw together a few bucks,then MS could hire a small live band,or fly in ken block or traves pastrana for a VIP meet and greet,what about one of his car jumps....I throw down for a ticket for that event ,Ill bet the vendors would line up to be allowed in to sell thier ware's. :party:A show like that could put us on the map ...good business and karma for all involved....think big



New member
Well that club is always open to donations. Haha.
If you guys provide differant fundraiser type activities,they will come .like a mini subaru woodstock maine....... .rob's right,im done...wzrd/out



If anyone gets a VIP parking spot.... It's me... Not that I am an attention whore but a spot with my name on it up front would be nice... LOL
