Warped Rotors: What you didn't know.


Evergreen Auto Spa
YAWN! I don't know who that jackass is but he sure is boring.

If a brake rotor is worn below the thickness it came when new, and it is un-even, I'd call that warped. If it was just pad material transfering to the disc, why wouldn't the rotor beome thicker, not thinner.

Of course I didn't read the whole article. That guy is B-O-R-I-N-G!



Warped is an often misused term. If the disk is worn beyond the usable spec and has pad deposits then it is just that.

and you can do just as they said and put in a very aggressive pad and be back to normal. I did this on the truck and I did it on my saab.

I was getting a mild vibration on the rex from the AutoX pad deposits (stopping in the stop box will put massive deposits on your rotors).

and it was light enough that bedding the brakes in again cleared that problem completely.



New member
YAWN! I don't know who that jackass is but he sure is boring.

If a brake rotor is worn below the thickness it came when new, and it is un-even, I'd call that warped. If it was just pad material transfering to the disc, why wouldn't the rotor beome thicker, not thinner.

Of course I didn't read the whole article. That guy is B-O-R-I-N-G!

You're in trouble then.

All that is going to be on the final exam!



Evergreen Auto Spa
I guess if we're gonna get technical, the rotor may not be warped. But I don't care. I'm still gonna call 'em warped. Nyah! :-*



well just putting it out there for those who encounter "warped" rotors often and end up having them replaced or turned.

Now in the case of having grooves or cracking, there you have to turn, or replace the rotors and pads, no question.
