The inevitable return of the great white dope

evil jeff prime

New member
So, after spending yet another weekend around this time of year being constantly asked why I wasn't a member here, I figured it time to drop in, say hi, meet the new crew, etc...

So, hi and all.



New member

evil jeff prime

New member
Thanks for the welcomes everyone.

Welcome!! Pretty sure I have talked with you on another forum
Quite. Still wearing orange?
And I still have the XT6.

is this the same old evil jeff? or a new and improved evil jeff?
If by new and improved, you mean grumpier and surlier than even, than yes. Is surlier even a real word?

Hello, Jeff. Glad to "see" you're still around.
And you as well. We were actually thinking about stopping in to say hi on the way back from NEFR this weekend, but then we saw the shop was closed. Just a case of a newer, better shop, I hope!

good bye jeff leave now and don't return

just kidding LOL hows it hanging jeffro
Can’t necessarily say I'd be shocked to hear something along those lines at some point. It's good so see you too. Things are going alright, other than since the last time we talked, I'm now on transmission #3, and the baby is still keeping us up at night. You?

Hey Jeff! About Damn time!
This here's the one to blame for this. He knows too much, like how easily suggestible I am when drunk.



Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
Yep still in Orange. Have my own truck now, and have been promoted to Foreman, so I am in the bucket trimming full time. That XT6 makes me jealous!! You should post up some pics on here of it!!


evil jeff prime

New member
Yep still in Orange. Have my own truck now, and have been promoted to Foreman, so I am in the bucket trimming full time. That XT6 makes me jealous!! You should post up some pics on here of it!!
Yeah, I've always wanted to get it back on the road again, but deep down I know it'll never happen while in my possession. Had a deal with someone at one point, but that feel through. The right offer from the right home could probably get me to part with it.



Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
Man don't say that!! I would love to have it, but am selling my BRAT so I can do some work to my Forester. Feel free to pm me a round about number you'd be looking for though!!


evil jeff prime

New member
Man don't say that!! I would love to have it, but am selling my BRAT so I can do some work to my Forester. Feel free to pm me a round about number you'd be looking for though!!
Tell me about it; that's the exact reason I've considered letting the XT6 go. I've spent so much time and money keeping the Rex on the road lately, that I've had neither for the SVX, so much so that she's not even left the garage for over a year now. And there is NO WAY I'm letting the SVX go.
