aux lighting thoughts


New member
so i have a pair of PiAA XT80 ( i think) driving lights that came on the car. this winter i swapped them out for hella 500's fogs. i like the fogs where they are, but wanted to add the PIAA's back on. but i just don't like the huge light hanging off the front look.

so im thinking small projector driving lights tucked behind the grill. i've seen it done on WRX's before. and i like it. you can't really tell there there if there not on. obviously your going to loose a little light from the grill but i can't imagine it would be much. any thoughts??

i was going to try it out with like $20 cheepies and if they worked ok, upgrade to hella ones or something.



Active member
i've always thought projectors in the gc housing looked ugly. same for retro'd bugeye headlights. if you like morrettes you could go that way though....



New member
the piaas or hella 500 driving lites fit quite nicely in the rad opening in lower bumper, hint hint

gives you the multi-eye insect kind of look w/o projecting eyeballs

the driving lites are a leetle prone to damage at that location, however.



New member
yeah see im trying to avoid putting the PIAA's on the front. plus then i have to drill into the bumper or make brackets or something.

any idea on my idea of running driving lights behind the grill?



New member
the H 500 brackets need just one 10mm hole, so drill it upwards so the lights hang down from them around front license plate area...nobody would see the holes anyway. drill a larger hole in plastic bumpa cover, then mount the lites into bumper beam...i't s bombproof and would give a real nice solid mount.

those little aux lites that would fit in behind the grill woulnt throw enough light to be much use. there's hardly room for Hella Supertone horns in there, much less some decent driving lites.
