


Yeah, the newspapers read like this:

---- Multiple Deaths at Rally Event ---

43 people were killed today in an apparant accident when car number 5, driven by Omar Sanchez (AKA Dirty Sanchez), a World Rally driver from Guatamala, slid 5 feet to the left on turn number 5. One by-stander, Manu



I'm not ReZPunk
Yeah, I have too much time on my hands. Vinyl, anybody? KEEP ME BUSY!
I'm going to be looking for some Custom work done... but I'm requesting Reflective Vinyl.. How much does that shit go for anyways?



New member
you know, those drivers have to have nerves of steel. not for driving like that or the course or anything. but knowing that if you screw up just a little your gonna hit like 20 people on the side of the course. like the part where there going over the top of the blind hill and catching air, and all down below is all just people, no road, no track, just a mob of people standing directly infront of you, that are now running for there lives only to go stand back out in the middle of the track for the next driver. i think that's called darwinism. :
