Vote "yes" on question 5



I hear ya. I try not to watch the news cause it ticks me off.

Thank you for the effort you put into the replies.

I'd hope people would apply your method and 2point5RS_Dan's method of thinking to other voting topics as well.

If you haven't already voted, good luck!



for my government class we have to work 10 hours on a campaign i have split my time between yes on 5 and other question relating to excise tax but anyway yes it should be legal and Maine should vote for dispensaries because as it stands now in Maine a person with a prescription must grow there pot. i bring one question what if someone with a prescription can not do so how do they legally acquire there medicine.
it can be ordered by any pharmacy for a patient



Active member
well my wife is a pharmacist for riteaid and it can be ordered
Which one does she work at? I work as a tech at a Rite Aid! ... I guess theoretically any drug can be ordered but considering it would be a schedule 1 drug, I'm sure you can't "just order it". There has to be some sort of strict prerequisites that have to be met.



New member
well my wife is a pharmacist for riteaid and it can be ordered
What can she order? marinol pill form or can she score some loose weed.:rolleyes:that's why everbody goes to canada to get thier scripts filled:D


Which one does she work at? I work as a tech at a Rite Aid! ... I guess theoretically any drug can be ordered but considering it would be a schedule 1 drug, I'm sure you can't "just order it". There has to be some sort of strict prerequisites that have to be met.
she works in augusta on hospital street. yes your right its not as easy as clicking a button an ordering it but i canbe done but its a pia!!



Active member
Interesting ... I asked my dad last night. He's been a pharmacist with Rite Aid for a loooong loooong time. He worked at Welby's before RA took over. He says it's not available as the loose leaf variety. There's Marinol, but that's just synthetic THC; not the same.



Active member
"Government pot" is absolute HEMP, rolled stems, seeds, and all.

It's akin to smoking lawn mower bag collection.

Marinol (@synthetic thc) is almost worthless compared

to naturally-derived thc, I know this to be fact.

Hence, Yes On 5 is, IMO, very important.



New member
"Government pot" is absolute HEMP, rolled stems, seeds, and all.It's akin to smoking lawn mower bag collection.

Marinol (@synthetic thc) is almost worthless compared

to naturally-derived thc, I know this to be fact.

Hence, Yes On 5 is, IMO, very important.
you mean "g13" is a myth..
.I remember back in kansas on aunties farm, the feds coming around every few years and wanting to spray the farm to get rid of that "ditch weed" they themselvs{the feds} had planted back in the 40ies...that rope weed just keeps coming back...Think in this era of "green" thinking we might be able to find a use for the plant.:idk:might even put some people back to work...the original bluejeans are made of hemp,declairation of independance,rope,canvas,paper,fuel,food,medicine..So why is it illegal,can you say dupont chemical company,eli lilly didnt want compatition.

Blue GT

New member
...but at least personally when im on the ganja green ... i actually drive better
I have read this entire thread and this is hands down, far and beyond the most ignorant statement made. If you truly believe this statement your license should be taken away. Please god tell me you are still under the age of 19.

I voted Yes on 5

Weed is a drug the same way alcohol is; you can be addicted to weed, just like you can be an alcoholic.

If/when it becomes further approved as a prescribed drug it will be treated as such, my brother was prescribed some intense painkiller when he was a kid and he didn't get addicted nor was it a big deal to my parents, weed will be the same way.

People have dropped some ridiculous points on either side of the argument, and i think its a lot closer to the middle. Its not miracle drug that is perfect in every way, and it sure as hell is not going to make the entire state crime stricken potheads.

Its amazing how certain issues can polarize people to such extremes. By this time everyone has voted and the polls are closed so i guess we'll see who came out on top.

-----Added 11/3/2009 at 11:04:03----- passed



Active member
There are far too many uninformed people who think all sorts of ridiculous things about drugs and alcohol just because their parents/family/government/news outlets/Fox "News"/churches/politicians/other organizations, have all waxed on spouting their oppinions trying to futher their own agenda.

I've listened to years worth of radio shows where there was a licensed doctor and addiction medicine specialist who regularly talked about drugs and their affects on people. The sheer amount of stuff said on the news and by talking heads or regular people in conversation about controlled substances is hilariously misinformed. Misperscribed opiates and opiate abuse is startlingly destructive, yet I see no one going on a crusade about those.

Think drinking a beer is bad? Good for you, don't drink one.

Think smokin' a doober is bad? Good for you, don't smoke one.

Think guns are bad? Good for you, don't buy one.

Think gay marriages are bad? Good for you, don't get one.

Think strip clubs are bad? Good for you, don't go to one.

Think <noun> is bad? Good for you, don't <verb> one.

It's not that difficult, yet people get these agendas put into their head that just because they don't like something that no one should be allowed to do it.

If what you are doing is hurting someone else, then I have a problem with it; but I'm not disillusion enough to think that some guy smoking a doober in his moms basement is going to be this great travesty against my own life and murder future children along with single handedly bringing down society and open a pot store next to a kindergarden.

Like was said earlier, people get hooked up on opiates, should we outlaw those too since they're such bad evil drugs just like weed? What else should be taken away from me because they're bad and evil? Gotta take NyQuil off the shelves too because I might get the idea to chug it on a friday night and trip on the DXM. Welp I might hit a pedestrian, tow trucks coming to my house right now to take my car away from me. Gotta toss out my knives because I might stabmyself while cutting rope, gotta give those away too. Speaking of rope, people hang themselves with it, gotta burn every last inch. Where do we draw the line? At what point are we being irrational? At what point does it come down to personal responsibility and accountability for our actions?

The vote isn't even about legalizing weed, it's about letting people in pain have another option for relief. Ask yourself this question: "Do I want to deny someone in pain the option of trying a solution to attempt to find relief?" I did not say anything about med mj in that question. Are you voting to help people, or voting because your family / news channel / Bill O'Reilly told you it was bad?

This post doesn't really matter because it wont be read with an open mind and actually think. People just put their fingers in their ears and close their eyes so they can keep on believing what they want to believe.



only problem i see with your argument is you have to have rules in place or it would be anarchy. some peopel love moletsting little kids so let them do it? some people liek shooting people so let them do it? some people liek to snort cocaine let them do it? you have to draw the line someplace and i dotn see why we shoudl legalize a substance that has no positiive effects outside of easing pain for terminally ill people ( wich that is already legal now)


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