Are you ready........... for the Zombies?


Rally Fluffer
After the storm, I think they will come.

I went to Lowes for a new diesel tank and there were people everywhere...walking weirdly..and making strange moaning sounds ..... at Hannafords people had shopping carts full of everything you can think of but really people.. Milk, cheese and CHICKEN!?

I have my shotgun, rifle, and two firearms. I think the time has come...we need to stand for humankind come Monday. Just in case some of you need a helpfully reminder of how to over come the Zombies, here is a quick guide to help:



New member
I'm moving back to Orono this weekend, all my guns are down in Lewiston.

Escaping into the woods is very easy in Orono though.



Well-known member
Never saw any last night when the city was in chaos, that would have been the oppertune(spl?) time to strike!
