Maine Inspection Quesetion(s)


New member
My Impreza is due for an inspection soon and I've never had a car inspected in Maine. My three main concerns with it are a tiny rock chip on my fog lamp, the lamp functions and I was going to get Lamin-X yellow fog filters to go over the lenses. My rear brake dust shield is rusty and wobbly. And possibly a bad rear shock/strut, I've got to do more digging on that one. I've heard that some places can be really sticklers, I'm most worried about the fog lamp, cause RS lamps aren't cheap or easy to find.


Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
My Impreza is due for an inspection soon and I've never had a car inspected in Maine. My three main concerns with it are a tiny rock chip on my fog lamp, the lamp functions and I was going to get Lamin-X yellow fog filters to go over the lenses. My rear brake dust shield is rusty and wobbly. And possibly a bad rear shock/strut, I've got to do more digging on that one. I've heard that some places can be really sticklers, I'm most worried about the fog lamp, cause RS lamps aren't cheap or easy to find.
a chip in a light is no prob...holes are another thing entirely. holed lights are grounds for failure. so maybe the Laminex might actually help here. I've had yello lminex on RS fogs for years with zero glitches @ inspecto time. all lamps must function as designed, no exceptions=so if you got a lamp that doesn't work, fix it now don't wait till that flunks u

if your strut is leaking, or bouncy, most shops will flunk you.

did you notice key word in my post "Flunk" cause that's what happens when things ain't up to snuff



New member
a chip in a light is no prob...holes are another thing entirely. holed lights are grounds for failure. so maybe the Laminex might actually help here. I've had yello lminex on RS fogs for years with zero glitches @ inspecto time. all lamps must function as designed, no exceptions=so if you got a lamp that doesn't work, fix it now don't wait till that flunks u

if your strut is leaking, or bouncy, most shops will flunk you.

did you notice key word in my post "Flunk" cause that's what happens when things ain't up to snuff
Yeah the light works perfectly, there is a little hole, but they prob won't even notice with the lamix over it, it will just look like a chip.



Spec B
light should be fine as long as its not a hole all the way in or condensation under the lense. (if there is before you goto the shop blast it with a hairdryer for a while and it should come out) the rusted dust sheild is a 50/50 the only reason they would fail you is if its ready to fall right off (could prob just rip it off if its that bad and smooth out the edges I run without dust covers myself) If the strut is truely blown then yes 100% will fail you, 1 single strut would be arounf 75-100 bucks parts and then labor depends on where you go I know your normal VIP type places are usually like 85 a hour and id expect them to tack on 2-3 hours at least for that job.



Fog light shouldn't be a big deal.

I cut my dust rear dust shields off my RS. Pass inspection fine.

My struts are shot, but don't leak and I passed inspection. If they're not obviously broken you might do okay. GR2s are cheap enough you might just want to replace them.



If you have leaky struts take it in when it's wet out or go through the car wash first so it's all wet and they don't notice a leaky strut... Always works for me....

I've never had a car bounce tested, but then I go to shady shops.

I've worked at shady shops. Inspection went something like It drives, the lights work, tie rods and ball joints are tight and the brakes aren't rusted TOO bad. Pass.

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Well-known member
just brake clean the strut prior to going to get inspected....I hardly ever do a bounce test...just look for the oil...normal seepage is acceptable but anything past the perch is a fail.



just brake clean the strut prior to going to get inspected....I hardly ever do a bounce test...just look for the oil...normal seepage is acceptable but anything past the perch is a fail.
can you give me a sticker if I comeback to maine? haha..
