S S SAINT95 Mar 24, 2014 04 STi suspension gets here today. Bye old soft stock Impreza suspension hello something better.
S S SAINT95 Mar 23, 2014 How do change things on ur profile like ur current vehicles? Bc it seems every time i hit edit profile it takes to change ur email or password page.
How do change things on ur profile like ur current vehicles? Bc it seems every time i hit edit profile it takes to change ur email or password page.
S S SAINT95 Mar 22, 2014 04 STi suspension will be here Monday just got to wait till it gets a bit warmer to install it.
S S SAINT95 Mar 17, 2014 What are a good brand for a set of sway bars for 06 impreza wagon looking at a set of Godspeed bars
S S SAINT95 Apr 20, 2011 Passed on the offer of the OBS don't have the funds to buy the car wish I did though. Bought the CV axle which don't buy from the dealer unless u have money u want to waste.
Passed on the offer of the OBS don't have the funds to buy the car wish I did though. Bought the CV axle which don't buy from the dealer unless u have money u want to waste.
S S SAINT95 Apr 14, 2011 Looking at 2000 OBS that needs a subframe will a 95 impreza subfram fit it? need to know ASAP thanks
S S SAINT95 Apr 13, 2011 Looking at 2000 OBS that needs a subframe will a 95 impreza subfram fit it? need to know ASAP thanks
S S SAINT95 Apr 10, 2011 Need passenger side front cv axle anyone got one or know where to get a good one?
S S SAINT95 Apr 8, 2011 front struts are done and installed new oil dran plug in. Anyone want to help change my oil pan gasket? All that's left is to bleed the brakes
front struts are done and installed new oil dran plug in. Anyone want to help change my oil pan gasket? All that's left is to bleed the brakes
S S SAINT95 Apr 8, 2011 got the new strut top hat install that today maybe go to the Brunswick auto yard for seat belt.
S S SAINT95 Apr 5, 2011 Well installing the new struts snaped one of the studs off the top hat can u say pissed.
S S SAINT95 Apr 1, 2011 anyone have a passenger side rear seatbelt for a 93-01 imperza need one !! Will pay!!