1987 subaru


<1.8 liter

this is a oem carbed wagon, dual range. 130k miles coming up...3 mode differentials front and rear... tall stiff, and as brutal as subes have never been again.

supercharger removed (strangely rare!), EGR removed. the list of chores is four years long.. there is not a part of the chassis that has not had my hand on it for something. original engine, tranny, rear axles and diffs....

12 mig reels of weld, 32 square feet of sheet, spring steel rods...

there is no easy way to sum up this car.. I can certify it was shipped before completed, and that left me welding like a mad man.

I posted photos here, amatuer, nikon point and shoot:




Founding Father
Open for business. If you don't like what a member has for sale, don't buy it. But don't crap all over their thread. Thanks



Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
I just hate for false info to be spread, that's all. Sorry for the rudeness



Sorry. I shan't respond to anything boxer says UNLESS it's in a thread I started. Over and out.



Well-known member
?????? missed whatever happened but anyways.......that thing has alotttt of rust.....why would the spare tire/rim go in the engine bay...seems like it would heat up and dry rot???



Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
All ,of the older Subarus had the spare tire in the engine bay. I have never seen a bad one. They hold up pretty well
