Awesome Congo Adventure


<1.8 liter
Congo must be one of the richest countries in the world. They could have been the Dubai of Africa with what they have in the ground. Ever since their independance the biggest mining company in Congo is Gécamines. Once a hugely profitable company it is now only a shadow of its former self. Years of corruption and mismanagement have left Gécamines in a state of defacto bankrupt. All their mines are nothing more but ruins.
that is a cool place.

I get caught up in local, all the time, forgetting how there is nothing but lumber getting bought cheaply.

the other day I saw a load of straight as could be cedar, not common...even the cheapest mill is a dollar a foot to the seller. Other than this... 999,999 out of a million people have nothing but a big fake income.

my rant is never over. meanwhile, uneducated tribals in places that need nothing but a supported crazy militant to organize has it all...poland springs water is probably sewer in comparison.

bizarre world we live in. England was an island last I checked.. working with nothing is an american transferred disease.

your car has proven that simple works! Unreal challenge you went through!
here is a quote of the last century of automotives .I don't think even the poster knows excactly how large he just simply spoke it, in relation to the travellors landcruiser.

I actually despised it the second I saw an inline engine.There was a regular that showed up at the quicklube I worked at. A grade5 chunks of steel, thought out places to bang things, but very far from perfect for such hard journeys. in fact, an IH scout would be right there with it...funny enough, the wagon subarus with the ea engines were a minus 1mm (all steel related) from being an absolute monster in the same legend.

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