Connecticut sucks

Evil Jeff

New member
So, this seriously has to be one of the worst weeks ever. Since I've been here, 300mi away from home:

My debit card (and only form of currency while I'm down here) was cancelled on Monday because it was possibly compromised, with no notification. I was broke, so I had to get a payroll advance from work.

My daughter was lost for about 45min yesterday. Her mother had signed her up for an afterschool program yesterday; my daughter remembered, her mother didn't and called me freaking out when she didnt get off the bus. She's fine though.

My GF was at my place taken care of my cats when her daughter choked on something and couldn't get it up. First time Fire & Rescue ever had to be called to my house. She's fine though.

There's a drag queen staying about 3 rooms down from me.

I found a piece of tomato and onion on my wagon this morning.

This trip is going to be the death of me. Maybe if I get carjacked, it'll make the trip better.
