Disc Golf babbyyy


Active member
Just started this season. Played at Pleasant Hill in Scarborough 5 times so far. Love it. So far I have two Katana Stars (Distance Driver, one which is at the bottom of a pond), an Eagle (Fairway Driver), an Aviar (Putter, already retired, needed something softer), and a Voodoo (Putter, very soft, not made by Innova but I like it a lot.)



New member
yea I have all innova disc but I might try out latitude 64.. but I have champion boss for my driver, a roc for my midrange and aviar for my putter, also I bought a champion orc the other day, I also started this year. im getting pretty good. but still need to work on things. I play the hawk in sabattus all the time



Active member
yeah I heard sabattus is really good. I work like 5 or 6 minutes from pleasant hill so I try to hit it up before or after work. I managed to shoot a -7 the other day, which I was more than happy with.



New member
wow that's good.. my best day was a +1 on the hawk. but I just started so I think that's pretty good. im buying a basket soon so I can practice putting and midrange shots



Active member
I'm sure its different on every course anyway. I expect to average around -4/5 for a little while. I shot -3 a couple days after the 7.

how are you shooting? I'm strictly backhand for now, but I'd like to learn to flick for shots that require going left to right



New member
90% of the time im shooting forehand aka flick.. do you know anyone selling a disc golf basket.. or disc golf bag or disc lol
