DoublePlus Racing - Sandblast Rally 2011


New member
DoublePlus Racing is departing today for Cheraw South Carolina for the 1st round of the NASA Rallysport and ARC championship at Sandblast Rally 2011!
Kevin Turner and Rob Sockalexis will be competing in their 1994 Subaru Impreza Front Wheel Drive rally car, with great hopes of continuing their success from their previous event at Black River Stages in Western New York last september. At BRS2010 the Team had a spirited drive to take top honors in Open 2WD Light, 2nd fastest 2WD car at the event and securing 5th place overall!

This event will be a challenge on many levels, the number of FWD entrants is large, with 21 cars registered 15 of them are FWD. the equalizer in this event is the surface on which racing takes place, with loose soft sand on almost every corner it will be difficult for fwd cars to maintain their momentum.

Many top level FWD racers will be racing at this event in some serious machinery. Carlos Filipe and Allison Hirsch will be running in their Peugeot 206xs rallycar; the same Peugeot's you see in the junior ranks of the WRC. Simon and Kieran Wright with USUK Racing, a father and son team, will be contenders for sure as this is their home event and have won this event several times in Open 2WD Light.

Another challenge before the team is travel plans, with the huge snow storm that left most of New England covered in 12-18 inches of snow, travel plans had to be arranged and then rearranged to ensure the team arrives safely and on time.

follw DoublePlus Racing online at

Wish us luck and see you online when i get back! heading out to portland in a few hours...websites show flights are ontime and on schedule!!

good luck also to Last Ditch Racing and Nigel Prodrive as they head north to the frozen tundra that is Rallye Perce Neige! Go fast fellas!

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I'm not ReZPunk
you aren't even towing your own car down?
Naw, Rob is Hollywood, He arrives and drives..

GL bro, Wish I was going down witchu guys



New member
loading the car up now, heading to visit one of my sponsors at Bohemian Coffee House in Brunswick. stop in and check them out. tell peter DPR sent you
not sure that will get you anything...but he will appreciate it.



Good luck man. Will be lookin for updates.



I'm not ReZPunk
I'm sure Rob will give a complete update in a few days, but here are FB messages from yesterday..

Update: stage 1 absolutely horrible..hit tree on passenger side rear spun us into tree on drivers side front. flat tire bent control arm.

Update: stage 2 cut inside right 2- broke axle and over. weather is nice. very peaceful in the woods.

First dnf for DoublePlus Racing...kinda sad but its all part of the sport... press on



Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
Hey guys, sorryto hear of yer misfortune, rally is a demanding mistress!However, I am fully confident that y'all din't wreck cuz y'all was going too slow, yee haw.Congrats for getting the car and team together and launching off into the adventure we all know as "rallyin"I mean Rob and Kev are not wannabes.....they are doers.Yaaaay!PS--on another hard-luck note, my dear departed 2.5 RS rally car "Tulip 1" was also racin at Sandblast, but got smooshed by one a them dastardly trees that bit Rez (he says exact saem tree in fact), but not to worry, driver and codriver are OK and the ole Tulip will live again. Not her first rodeo, nor first time she rode hard and put away wet (or wrecked) she is one tough congrats to Jason as well.



New member
ok so having been home for a few days i can gather my thoughts and put together a complete post event write up.

Thursday was travel day for the entire crew, I flew from Portland VIA Jetblue to JFK and then on to Raleigh NC. our crew (Jim) flew from Bangor to Baltimore where Kevin picked him up in the service van with rally car in tow. A fellow competitor and friend Simon Wright of USUK Racing, picked me up in Raleigh and put me up for the night at his place about 5 minutes from the airport.

friday morning was a short 2 hour drive from Simons house to Rally HQ in Cheraw NC, which i quickly learned is the birthplace of Dizzy Gilespie. once registered, i met up with the rest of DoublePlus Racing at the hotel and we began preparing the car for Shakedown. The rain was getting heavier.

Shakedown was a 2 mile road that was going to be a accurate representation of the Stages we would be racing on. We soon discovered ow bad the roads were. They didnt give us any note for Shakedown, so i basically sat there and made mental notes on the surface changes.

Race Day: It had not stopped raining by the time we made it to Parc Expose. weather forecast promised the rain would stop. we hoped it was correct. we started the rally and immediately missed our FIRST TURN in the route book! bad. so we quickly got back on course and away we went. we got lost a SECOND time on the way to stage 1. by the time we actually found our way to stage one we checked in 1 minute late. our first road penalty of our racing careers.

Stage 1: still sprinkling, we headed out into the treacherous sandy slippery water covered road... we started gaining speed as we began to get a better understanding on how to drive the conditions. maybe a little too much speed. coming into a R3+ L3+ the rear end kicked out on the slippery clay surface on the L3+ sent the right rear of the car sliding into a small tree. a glancing blow to the rear sent us spinning wildly the otherway, and made contact with the left front quarter panel. we managed to back out and keep going. the noise of the tire rubbing in the fender we knew instantly the control arm was bent and possibly the tire was flat. with 4 miles left in the stage, Kevin put his foot down and we pressed on.

finished the stage with the tire absolutely falling apart and flapping in the wheel well. So we stopped on transit once we got back onto Tarmac. about 4 minutes to change a flat and we were on our way to Stage 2. it was rubbing immediately..all we wanted was to get the car through Stage 2 and back to Service.

Stage 2: more of the same style roads for stage 2, tire was still rubbing... away we went. we made it about 4 miles in before the Focus behind us caught us and passed us on stage. we were notably slower due to damage from stage 1. around mile 9 we came downhill to a Turn R2- @T and we kind of cut into the corner. there was a unseen ditch inside the corner and we dropped our right front tire down in the ditch. when the wheel was forced back up into the sand shattered the axle. now figuring we have a limited slip diff in that impreza we figured one good axle we could go on. but no, we lost all driving power and were forced to retire. boo...


It was a fun event (the 17 miles of it we saw) and would like to go back next year and take another shot at it.

those 2 trees caught out 3 other teams including USUK Racing. they ended up hitting the first tree like we did..but hit the second tree head on and caught fire. 4 extinguishers later it was out. Jason Smith who owns Nigel Prodrives old rally car also hit the first tree IN THE SAME SPOT WE DID...but managed to pull out of the spin after. when i mean the same spot..the SAME SPOT...we were comparing dents
there was also a TDI golf who hit those trees and DNF'ed 3 corners later.

to be continued...

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New member

well here is the in car of stage minute 5:30 is where we hit the trees.

this is also the first event where we have used the intercom and it is tied into the video. so you get to hear all my notes and silly comments.

feel free to tell me what you think... laugh and poke fun at them..i need to be less conscience about hearing my voice and notes.

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Great video! The notes seemed well read and clear and the comments were good as well...

I like the "GO!!!" comments!! they seemed to work and got Kevin to put the foot down.



New member
one thing i forgot to mention...after we broke the axle..and had a little time to kill...Kevin and i were tossing the bearings from the axle back and forth.. she says he wants to drill a hole in one and make a necklace for me..



Wow that sand and clay look increadibly loose, and that tree was almost in the road, very very narrow at that point
. Good reading of notes, very clear, and as Legwagon stated, encouraging of go! seemed to help kevin.



New member
thanks for words of encouragement. i listened again to the entire stage and could hear the sense of panic in my notes after we had the minor stuff. my volume increased and my delivery changed. it was kind of hard to regain complete focus, thinking about the damage to the car.
