Forza Motorsport 4


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New member
I have Forza 2 and 3. Both were good games so I am excited to get Forza 4. I love all the work they put into the games. For example on one of the tracks people used to complain because one of the corners was bumpy and people thought they had messed it up, but in reality the team from Turn10 (who make the game) had gone to the track in person, taken a few laps with a professional driver and copied what they saw and felt, they copied the corner exactly including the bumps.

I also love the sound capturing they do. Must be a pretty cool job going around the world getting performance car audio clips. I know they've done some sound clips from some rare cars.

So yeah, I'm looking forward to it!



N/A All The Way!!
I'll pick it up eventually. One of the cool things that I have heard about this game is that if you have some saved data (cars and career mode races completed) from Forza 3, it can be transfered to Forza 4....pretty awesome!



The Warthog has a feature in Forza 4 in case any of you missed that. It will be part of the gallery function or something, not drivable.



New member
Now that Forza 4 is out we should all race together some time. I tried making a "MainelySubarus" car club but it already exists, if I could get an invite that would be awesome my Gamer Tag is "Wrex Roller" if any wants to race with me.



New member
Yeah, I'm getting it today. Going to join the [OTBL] ([Off Topic] Teh Bowling League) and the NASIOC [555], last I knew they were ranked 72 and 78 out of all the leagues on the game so not too bad!

I got this problem though, I have tons of stuff on Forza 3...but it's on my old xbox and I don't remember the account stuff, I think I'm going to drop that HD into the new Xbox today though.



New member
Haha, I don't use assists either

You should join the OTBL, theres some races tonight at 9.



so where is the newestSTi sedan??? I see the 22b, and the Hatch, but the demo had the sedan and its not there??? dissapointing... I guess I will just drive the 22b



New member
You had to pre-order it through Amazon to get that car, although if it's anything like Forza will be available in DLC in a few months.



Active member
I'll be buying this 100%, but probably not for a couple months. Time budgeting more than money budgeting. I just bought NCAA Football, and MW3 is out next month. Forza looks amazing though. The photo capture thing alone looks worth it.


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