Friggin' surgery again!?!?


New member
So...I was having some pain in my foot still. My foot was still turning purple if I stood on it for too long and swelling. I went to back to the doctor they re-xrayed and...then I got the bad news....

Surgery again!! I am reacting to the pin that was placed in my foot, so they need to remove it. But my toe is also returning to the original position before surgery (sideways)! So he said while he was in there removing the pin that he was going to try to straighten the toe adding a removable pin to the bone above the one he tried last time.

So when's the surgery??...........................................April 11th!!

How long will I be out of commission??........................ 3 weeks!!....... AHHHH.... :'( >



New member
Jeez sorry to hear that. that's why I haven't gone to have my knees checked, me no want surgery! Hope all goes well and your back up soon!!!



well bring one of those folding recliner chairs for Storyland. You can have a place under tent city.

you can even woMan the grill

but yeah that sucks, but get it fixed so that you can keep your foot.



New member
oh no your racing!!! i don't care if peter and i have to put a stick on the clutch so you can push it down with your hand!!! the beast is going to make it's depute at story land!! ;D



New member
oh no you're racing!!! i don't care if peter and i have to put a stick on the clutch so you can push it down with your hand!!! the beast is going to make it's depute at story land!! ;D

Just install an auto and you are good to go... kinda :-



New member
SUCKAGE! Does this mean no storyland for you
It may. :'( Depends on when they actually end up taking out the removal pin. I am hoping maybe I can push it and try it anyway. I was really looking forward to racing the Supra. But I was hoping to have a little time to be able to get used to the supra again before just jumping into the racing scene, but I definitely won't be able to do if I do end up racing it will be even tougher.

BBBOOOOOOO!!!!! Make 'em reschedule.
I would except that it's becoming more and more painful just to walk kind of need to get it fixed. Especially since I am on my feet for about ten hours a day for my job. :-

oh no your racing!!! i don't care if peter and i have to put a stick on the clutch so you can push it down with your hand!!! the beast is going to make it's depute at story land!! ;D
I'm just worried too, because it's such a long trip what if I drive the supra and get half way there and decide that it's not going well?? Then I'm stuck...

Ouch.. What you do?
I had surgery a little over a year ago to have a bunion removed. I went well after the surgery and the foot looked good. But then the pain returned, and the swelling and color changing never really went away. So I finally went back to the doctor...and here I am...needing surgery again! Sucks! :'( >

Thank you all for your support!! I am severely disappointed in this news and depressed that I possibly won't be able to race at Storyland. I know there will be many more races but....IT"S STORYLAND and would have been the first race for the supra!! Was really looking forward to driving with the two RS's. :-



New member
i think that if you can you should at least make an attempt. sarah will be coming too so if we need to im sure we can get your car there and home if you decided that you can't drive it after racing. where theres a will theres a way. pete and i will do everything we can to get the supra ready for you, and im sure your foot will be just fine.



I am sure we can hook you up with a driver to get the supra to Storyland if that can make the difference in running vs not running.



New member

She's been pretty bummed at the possibility of not driving at storyland. I keep telling her to stay positive and it will happen if she really wants it to.

Keep up the great support everyone!



New member
I am sure we can hook you up with a driver to get the supra to Storyland if that can make the difference in running vs not running.
Was this a hint??

I'm sure it would not be a problem to find someone to drive the supra for me. If someone asked me to drive their sports car I don't think I would turn it down!

Thanks everyone for being supportive. I'm going to call the doctor's and ask if they have a cancellation for surgery sooner if they can call maybe I would have more of a chance to be able to race.



I am sure we can hook you up with a driver to get the supra to Storyland if that can make the difference in running vs not running.
Was this a hint??

I'm sure it would not be a problem to find someone to drive the supra for me. If someone asked me to drive their sports car I don't think I would turn it down!

Thanks everyone for being supportive. I'm going to call the doctor's and ask if they have a cancellation for surgery sooner if they can call maybe I would have more of a chance to be able to race.
no I just meant so you wouldn't have to run the clutch on the drive TO Storyland. atleast once you get there you only have a few clutch operations to do after that point.



Active member
Yeah, good luck ... I hope everything works out!
I want to try out some autox but I don't know how well everything is going to come together .. I think I may already need a new clutch soon.



New member
So I went back to the doctor this past Friday. Said they wanted to do a post-op visit. I go in there and he said he wanted to see me because he wanted to run something by me. They have a new procedure called "Mini Tightrope" that they are doing now. He said he had done one that morning and it came out wonderfully. Pretty much drills through both big toe bone and one next to it and joins them with a heavy duty non-absorbable suture. This prevents the toe from being able to go sideways again, and won't have to go back to have a removable pin taken out. He said still about the same amount of healing time though. So I will still be out of work for 3 weeks. But I may be able to drive sooner, but I have to wait it out and see how I feel. So I am hoping to be able to at least drive the Supra to Storyland, even if I don't end up racing it. That way everyone can still see it. That and I can't wait to be able to drive it!!

Here's a little more info. on the "Mini Tightrope" procedure if anyone is interested....
