Fucus Racing

He did pretty dang good with what is a remarkable stock car for a quick lil rally machine. He's obviously good behind the wheel, too.

altho...there WAS a vid posted not long after Rally NY that showed him going round a hairpin...heh, he was having a wild pony ride on that one!

The car is under the knife for a refitting for next season. It may not be getting much use though. We are getting on the list for a Fiesta R2. And even if the Fiesta falls through we will be attending: 100 Acre Wood, Sandblast, Rally Tennessee, NEFR, STPR, and possibly a few others, maybe a rally-cross or two. Depends on how we decide to spread out the money lol. If the Fiesta deal doesn't fall through we will attend every Rally America event on the calendar. Everyone's welcome to come by the service park and hang out. Subscribe to our YouTube, and our website will be up shortly.


Matt M

Hate to do this but:

<shameless self promotion>

We are going to every outlet trying to get people to like our facebook page for the team. The more we get the better it looks to potential sponsors for us. If your on facebook like us @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mathias-Rallysport/194288003926898?sk=wall

Its still under construction but every like is greatly appreciated, and helps us tremendously!


Matt M.

<end shameless self promotion>
