Glow plugs

Ty Ty

New member
Anyone with a diesel got some used glow plugs lying around that I can snag? I'm being crafty, and need to conduct an experiment with them.Basically, I'm just looking for something that gets really hot, really fast, doesn't need a flame, and is reusable.



Well-known member
i don't have any to spare, our truck has 5 0f 8 that work, but you have my interest now. what you trying?



New member
Without a voltage controller on the plugs the plugs will be able to go over the norm operating range.Normal Glow plugs range from 850-1100 C. Way more than you need to light that fuse of yours.


Ty Ty

New member
I'm just being crafty. Setting up a rig with a power souce and momentry switch. Hold down the switch, plug gets hot, fuse lights, let go of switch, redo a minute or two later.

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