Good cop Bad cop

Mr Mike

New member
I got pulled over last night..... :

It seems my plate light was out... no biggie he was cool about it. BUT when he ran my license it came up as no insurance. It just so happens I switched companys the day before and Gieco, the bastards didnt fax me the temp card. he bought it though, and as soon as I got home I called Geico and they e-mailed it to me.......


my reg. was out too..... DOH!!!! I was waiting for my tax return to clear in the bank so I could pay the excise tax.... stoooopid state..

either way, i have to go to court for operating with out reg. If I get caught again the cop says I could very well go to jail and they would impound my supah dope fly ride......

All and all the cop was WICKED cool.... If I had my insurence card it would have been all good, at that point he hadnt even looked at plates (we were at a store, no blues no big deal)....

I'm probably looking at a $150.00 fine, unless the judge is as cool as the cop and buys the "I didnt even know it was out ??? :-[ story"

Mike-the busted



New member
don't worry about a thing

you can count on yer STM buds to come vizzit you in jail

smuggle in hacksaw-blade choco cakes, etc



New member
Jesus, thanks for reminding me. Mine runs out at the end of March. Whatever happened to the reminders you used to get that allow you to register through the mail? WTF!



New member
When you go to court plead temporary insanity.


Don't feel bad I got bagged for 32 in a 25 in Prouts Neck! >

I would have gotten away with it except I seemed to have "lost" my inspection sticker.



New member
I had a cop in North Paris stare me down... probably cuz there's no front plate on the Forester and, well, he probably heard me coming from a mile away.



New member
Contest it and in the meantime, take the Driving Dynamics course to get in the positive on points. I go every year just for good measure



New member

send your ticket back, maked, "I contest this *^%$#@$%^&&^%$#@!! crap"

then wait 2 to 6 months for a court date

then hope like heck the police officer in question does not appear in court

if he doesn't, the judge will toss your case.

have tried this numerous times over 40 years of hooligan driving, about 80% success rate.

do NOT give in early and send them $$$ without contesting this crap.



Mr Mike

New member
Well that's just it guys.....

No contest.... because of my insurence the regestration was SUSPENDED, and driving on suspended regestration is a CRIMINAL traffic violation... So all i can do is go in say I had insurence and hope the judge likes me... ???



New member
Oh that's right--class D in Maine. Sh!t. Yeah, get there early and maybe try to find the DA. Maybe the DA will work with you.. :-



New member
Tough to say. If you knew someone over there then for sure. I do not know, but in all likelihood minor class Ds like that are not even assinged until the day of the hearing but it may be worth a shot to ask who you would speak to if you wanted to meet about a ticket to discuss a resolution...



New member

send your ticket back, maked, "I contest this *^%$#@$%^&&^%$#@!! crap"

then wait 2 to 6 months for a court date

then hope like heck the police officer in question does not appear in court

if he doesn't, the judge will toss your case.

have tried this numerous times over 40 years of hooligan driving, about 80% success rate.

do NOT give in early and send them $$$ without contesting this crap.


they changed the part about the cop not showing up... you now get a second court date if el-coppo doesn't show up the first time.... if he doesn't show up the second time either the above mentioned usually happens

Car Whore

New member
Talk to the DA the morning of court. Our's will 9-10 times help out on stuff that minor.
I don't think you can contact the DA before the court date,but they will almost always work something out before hand on the day.When I went and contested mine a few weeks back,I'd say 80% of the 30-40 people in there had discussion w/the cop or DA.I was one of the lucky two who's cop didn't show that day.

There were a few lost souls that got intimidated by the judge or just didn't have any patience and walked right up and changed their plea to guilty and paid the full amount.If they had just waited,they could have gotten a better deal probably.

Most of the cops were very friendly and understanding (except for Trooper Freeman,who I overheard changing some guys plea but then slamming him with a diffeent criminal violation that was WORSE than what he was in there for.....guy was not impressed),and I think they at least cut the points or price of the ticket for many people.

Always fight it.
