

<1.8 liter
this is funny.

The Bangor Daily News website suffered several hours of downtime Monday evening after hackers from Tunisia exploited a security vulnerability on one of the BDN's servers. While the site is being restored, online readers will notice changes to the display of the site and will be unable to access some features and archived articles. The BDN staff is working as quickly as possible to fully restore the site.
I sincerely had a problem with that new "disqus" stuff, I got banned from commenting... Now I am certain many others got upset.

of course the hackers are not from tunisia... they are dumber than I thought. If they can't figure out why someone got that angry to hack a little towns newspaper web site.. they best go back to paper only.

step one in web attacks:

perfect spoof of origin.



All commenting on news stories should be disabled. It gives the ill and weak minded an authoritative voice.



All commenting on news stories should be disabled. It gives the ill and weak minded an authoritative voice.


Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
All commenting on news stories should be disabled. It gives the ill and weak minded an authoritative voice.
I'd argue that it gives the ill weak minded a chance to prove how ill n weak minded they really are. sometimes those comment threads are hilarious in a backhanded kinda way.

no better way to prove u r a idiot than in a public forum



N/A All The Way!!
Honestly, I think that its a good way for the website to get hits...many people you post their opinions on a topic are just looking to see what other people think of their opinion, meaning they'll keep going back to check it out. I've done it before when I find a news article that has my interests involved.



I don't think public posting on news articles should be disabled just because the stupid crap people post cracks me up.



New member
If they had only been reviewing their log files they would have seen this activity when it started and been able to patch their vulnerability or block traffic from that location before the hackers got in.

It's scary how many people don't take I.S. seriously.
